to the devs

Discussion in 'Wars' started by xXxOUT_Zerogrim_LAWZxXx, Jan 3, 2014.

  1. Wizened, you make a very valid point with your opinion on this topic. Well said and completely dead on with what my attack build goes through in wars since season 2 ended. It is the algorithm that is skewing the matchup results.
    So Dresden, I hope you read Wizened's post and rethink your opinion. GH's are not the problem nor are the LB player "tanks" correct? And yes there should be a 50/50 chance to winning or losing a fair matchup, not one that is obviously not. Like Wizened said at end of post, we don't care about winning every war. All we are asking for is a fair matchup, with HOPE of winning a war. Not like clans that go in just wanting TVP eb.
    Thank you OP, Rorin, M Warrior, Wizened, and even Dresden, for expressing your opinions on this thread.
    More ppl open to comment on this?
  2. Alright (this probably will be long-winded)

    I agree completely with OP. I am a medium sized hansel who is getting thrashed by clans with guild hansels and LB players only. Some people don't understand why that is. Let me break it down.

    1. LB are too big for people like me to hit, usually. And if they aren't too big, they have tons of towers that negate all my efforts (this is with full attack pots and both attack mith spells).

    2. Guild Hansels are still big enough to hit, this is true. But, while I make 18m on a guild hansel that has some gold out (even less if they're smart and banked it), they make twice that plundering off my build.

    It's simply unfair that we are actually expected to war these kind of clans (and cue the people telling me that I'm whining, because we all know someone will).

    Actually, bring them on, I am whining. I don't want to waste 1-2 xstals on a useless war. It's downright stupid.

    Now I am not stupid. I've thought a long time on how exactly we can get this fixed. And sadly there's really nothing us as players can do. It's all up to the devs changing the mechanics of the war.

    Now hold on, I'm not saying we change the Estocs altogether. I'm suggesting we use a system other than gold plundered to gauge who won the war. Let's call them Estoc Points for now.
    Every attack equals 1 estoc point
    Assassination/steal=1 EP
    Scouts=1/2 an EP

    That way we can war fairly without people complaining about not being able to hit.

    Thanks for reading if you read the whole thing, and if not?
    My TL;DR is: "Estoc Points" be added to Estoc wars.
  3. Heh king personally I never thought of that... Way to think outside the box! I really hope devs read all these posts. U guys rock
  4. Even if they don't, I'm emailing that to them. Hopefully it'll help.
  5. So tired of small builds acting all high and mighty.  You realize w/o the LB's you would be arguing the same thing the rest of KaW is, right? LBers don't want you because of your awesome war performance. They USE YOU to gain easy matchups to their benefit. Then you get easy wins, rack up the mith/equipment and act like you're the reason your clan won. Go join a clan that doesn't have the benefit of untouchable bigs and see how fast your war record tanks. I have no problem with small builds. They do have many benefits in war, but that is not the issue, and never was. The LB/small roster, unless matched to a roster with the same makeup(or at least equal LB's), is an impossible match for any clan they face. EE wars were introduced as a way to match even clans against each other and let strategy and coordination decide the winner. The only strategy involved in successful EE clans now is who can best stack their roster. Most war results can be predicted before they even start. Until this is resolved EE wars will continue to have fewer and fewer clans participating. Why spend all that effort and truckloads of cash to get on the LB, only to prove your might by only facing lesser builds?
    Not an easy fix, but by far the most needed - Hope the devs truly look into this issue. If EE is only attractive to LB/small rosters they will have turned their backs to 90% of KaW. And why, just to keep LB's and their coattailer's happy?
  6. My man zerogrim makes some good points.. You Gotta respect that
  7. bump for KaW_Creative
  8. Fix this devs. Knock RH off their thrown.
  9. I totally meant KaW_Community :oops:
  10. I surport!!
  11. I have not warred since season 1, this was due to what I believed was an unfair and unbalanced system.

    It always seemed to me that gold payouts for attacking certain builds created a difficult situation for clans to maintain an active presence in EE. By this I mean that if i wanted to be on a winning side in EE, I would have had to leave my clan and find a new clan purely dedicated to building an EE rosta that would win. This was not something I was prepared to do.

    I have a lot of respect for successful EE clans, the time they have taken to build an effective player base to be able to put out a balanced Rosta (GH and LB players) is frankly incredible and shows a tremendous amount of patience.

    Those of us who have lead even a simple EB clan know the amount of time you need to dedicate to it. To do it in a successful EE must be twice as hard.

    That said, it does seem to me that success breeds success and running an EE clan becomes easier the more you win.

    Winning attracts more players to your clan, which helps you in putting out a better Rosta, which in turn attracts more players...I bet that R.H. dont have to do much to recruit a LB player these days 

    Therefore it is now at a stage where if I wanted to war again, I doubt I would win since my builds in my Rosta would be at such a disadvantage against the seasons EE clans, it would take a whole season (probably 2) of losing every match, just to catch up.

    I doubt many players would stick with us if that was the case, so building a new EE is out if the question.

    This leads me back to option 1 - leave my current and join a new EE clan. My thoughts on this have not changed since season 1, so again this is not going to happen.

    To win at EE in its current format means breaking away from the clan you have joined, for some of us this is a simple thing and I have left many clans for many reasons, but I never left a clan because I thought that i would do better elsewhere, that seems to me to be the problem with EE in its current format. It creates disloyalty in clans....Hence I choose not to war.

    Devs, you want more clans doing EE, yet you have a system which 1) means that starting a clan now is not an option and 2) current osw/eb clans would have to break up for players to win?

    The best suggestion ive seen so far is the points for hits system suggested in this thread. Take gold out off EE and make it so pure war strategy is the only winning factor.

    This would bring back more clans to EE which in turn would help develop the system.

    Builds types are good strategy and types of builds should not be punished, the system is at fault, not the players.

    Sorry for the long ramble...
  12. I think it was said best when it was stated that winning isn't everything as long as you have a chance. So far, I have had very fair match ups(rare it seems) in which I have both won and lost, and it wasn't so much the builds I faced, but that one side was genuinely more prepared or more experienced with wars. I believe it should be more skill based than stat based in which anyone can be successful if they play their cards right, but if the top half are too big for me and the bottom are too small, there is literally no amount of skill I can use that will help me in that situation where I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. The match ups will never be perfect and that's OK, it would just be refreshing to see some wins awarded to the people who earned it by truly being better
  13. On a side note, taking gold out of EE wars also means you dont have to bank before you war...this always seemed a silly thing to me as well. You want peeps to grow, but you make them bank every war 

    Why bother growing if your build is useful (GH or tank) and you have to bank every day ?
  14. Why not during the Mach ups have a fake hit system run will we wait to see if it's an even roster that way it can calculate the win/loss % and relative plunder for each Mach up the number may need to be altered but on average it should come out to 60/40win loss one side with the advantage
    And as for the plunder ratio is should not exceed 1bill favoring one side as in
    200mill agents 1.2bill any thing less than that margin will be a real war a good grit of you teeth typ of war stats counters are a wasted effort if you account for every thing
  15. ^Im going to take that as support
  16. That was @bedlam...
  17. The fake hit sim would simulate each member hitting each other to check capability Of people actualy gettin success full hit on each other no pots or mith counted only current allies and stats and equipment
  18. Yep @ King. it takes me a while sometimes to say what I mean, but it was support for you Idea.
  19. Wow amazing support kawers and Ty for all ur input and insight.
  20. Luckstar and Wizened, I posted quite a bit about the matchup system and payout during prior seasons also and it fell on deaf ears. I've seen GH's take the brunt of the blame when it is not the issue.

    No matter what the devs do, the successful clans at going to put in the work to figure out a way to win and will change in order to win. You'll never see a pure 50-50 chance of winning. The ones that are successful will figure out how to get the odds in their favor and the ones who don't will be here complaining.

    When you win, you still don't make enough to cover the pot cost, but you get mith and EE which makes this very ok. When you lose, you lose EE, don't cover pot loss, break even or lose mith, and get miffed. Lose a few times and every one in the clan is looking elsewhere to war (yes, even in rhe top clans when a few losses happen).