to the devs

Discussion in 'Wars' started by xXxOUT_Zerogrim_LAWZxXx, Jan 3, 2014.

  1. GH/LB teams should get no match

    Restrict hit ratio even more (during wars)

    Keep the 1hr/11 man wars for S3
  2. What does GH mean? Guild Hansel?
  3. yes, gh is guild hansel (in general any type i believe is being thought of whether it be towered, sos1 or what not.)
  4. Stop crying who cares war is war get over it
  5. support :idea:

    i knew this was coming when the devs released all the new lands. but basically its REALLY hard to function in EE wars as a smaller hansel mostly beccause of how crazy SDT can get, and how slowly spy attack grows. i almost dropped to guild hansel instead of growing for this very reason. my clan uses guild hansels to regulate the hit ratios in match up, like every other EE clan that doesnt want to run into 4lb players in a match. But i do think the devs expressed a desire to keep us all growing - i dont think adding new tiers to our buildings is going to be encouraging to those that have not crystaled their nuts off on HTE to grow the same way i did. it seems if you cant do that, the obvious answer is to drop to a 400/400/833/833 hansel - if you like war... Right?
  6. Well, another idea of a fix is matching according to lands and payouts on number of buildings.

    And to u sir saying to quit whining. I say to u this. Quit reading. I have not disrespected anyone that I'm aware of and if I have it's not my intention. I'm using this forum to ask the devs to fix an issue that I believe exhists. To those supporting this thread Ty for your support.
  7. I have took another drunkin gander at ur post good sure and what r u trying to say about hansels in war
  8. Err this is going to become a hate thread I bet..
  9. Kind sir I m lost and what u r really trying to explan .but I'm drunk so that miight have something to do with it but I would really like to no if what u mean is make it more far towords builds our size or what not ill be waiting for your reply to this noob post I be posting
  10. very much like zero's idea that the pay of hitting a smaller account should maybe be based off of something else in estoc. the pay out, and pay from hits is still totally lopsided - look at WC pre war sign up. all the clans are hunting small accounts for a reason.
  11. To god of hell barcode... I think u misinterpret trying to ask the devs to better balance ee so those our size(both you and I) can war and be successfull without going gh or big hybrid or atk build
  12. Among other issues stated
  13. O then I agree with u 100 percent peace out
  14. Support OP thread.
    1) Is acting in a positive manner with a problem that most agree is happening in EE wars, and asking for suggestions to help fix this. I have not seen 1 post from OP degrading anyone about their opinion.
    2) As stated by Rorin on page 3, WC is always asking for small GH mostly, with the exception of a few asking for Tank builds. This follows along with my experience in clans I war in. Always opponents with GH / att builds with min 18m cs. I am just under and can't touch these players. And the 1-2 hansels I can attack, pay out 1-2m per hit, vs 85-95m when I attack an equally sized attack build (rarely available now). Even joined 1 clan who told all in EE to unequip everything but sword, boots, and gloves. Supposedly this was in an effort to get a better matchup. Guess what. Opponents had 1 LB att and large att, with 5 GH's. All had full BFE and strong BFA.

    So my question is, do the devs really want us to believe them when they said that BFE/BFA are a factor in matchups?
    Did the GH factor in war really change?
    Why are mid-level builds useless in EE war except for opposing team in gaining plunder and being sat on the whole war?

    And as a side note, I couldn't believe when I saw numerous pre-war signups, a top 50 LB player (long time kaw mbr) posting in WC his merc desire to join a war clan. Is this because too many LB players in home clan might get them an honest matchup and they would actually have to fight strategically against same stats clan or get a no matchup?

    These are just my thoughts on what I have seen, experienced, and talked with fellow kaw mbrs about their wars.
  15. Here we go again. GH are the root of all evil. Someone is going to end up losing and someone else winning. It's funny that the same clans keep winning in spite of the changes. Say the devs completely eliminate the GH and the same ppl are still losing? What's to blame next, towers seems like the next in line.

    Having it desirable for a mix of builds including small seems good. Why would you even start the game anymore once you figured out you would need hundreds to thousands of dollars and a year or two just to get into wars?

    No support. It is good that small builds are desired. Instead of going after a gh, then towers, then something else, figure out compensation for the time spent that works and makes it more desirable to war in general. VP and the lost gold does not make the bottom 50% happy. Not a knock on anyone, but there will be a winner and a loser regardless, ie 50%. You've hit the gh's twice and they've adjusted each time and the winning clans will continue to adjust and win. The situation will never be resolved as long a people lose and lose more than is gained.
  16. This problem is not a build problem as it concerns to the wars. The problem is actually in the match up algorithm system. Taking an 11 v 11 roster for war. Your getting match ups that are ridiculous. One team is running 11 ppl with cs range of 4.5mil to 13mil. Are getting match against teams that have 3-4 ppl with 22 mil mass BFE and BFA with 5-6 build mostly twr hansels with stats of 2-2.5mil cs. About 1.5mil is sdt.

    The team with 4.5mil-13mil are mid range roster with moderate BFE and BFA.

    Getting out matched on the top end by 8mil cs and mass BFA and BFE. Yet the bottom of the roster is lacking BFE and BFA. This seems to be fooling the match up mechanics seeing this as an equal match. Even though its not.

    The average team can not get through on the opposing rosters top 3-4. The plunder made against the bottom of roster is purely pathetic. Once the get you KOd and time the top is just sitting on you and nothing you can do. It not worth burning xstals.

    The match up mechanics need to be revamped to take more than possible actions into to account. These type of match ups have become a staple of Chaos Wars.

    I could careless about needing to win every war. I would just like to get matched up and have a the feeling that there is a honest chance to win.
  17. Fair matchups shouldn't have teams losing by 10bil in a 1hr war if if the team has 1 inactive.
  18. Wizened I wish same thing very well put Ty.
  19. With the attack sided equip the benefit will always be with the smaller, as they can hit for larger plunder and lose less when hit.
  20. I do support this thread, but I am using this post to end this page so my full comment doesn't get lost in this.