to the devs

Discussion in 'Wars' started by xXxOUT_Zerogrim_LAWZxXx, Jan 3, 2014.

  1. 1. It had no topic

    2. That was a mod :|
  2. How about they balance the match ups by buildings unlocked

    After you have been matched up u get 1 hour to pick the desired build u like to war with on the amount of lands u had unlocked that would be more even
  3. Tbh gh/lb teams can be beat with using mids in your roster. I run 4 bigs 2 mids 5 gh. Back part about running like this is we have got 7 no matches in 3 days. 
  4. I am pretty much done with this EE season more then 50% of my matches have been against LB/GH rosters and the out come is the same every time (lose). I am tired of spending money on crystals for war to continually lose to a LB/GH roster so i rather just not war at all and take my money else where. ️
  5. maybe everyone should just have a gh and small builds so LB's cant hit them during war and wack away at gh for plunder 
  6. Could always make dtw / dts based off build cs only in ee. Over 6 times meow. :p
  7. Personally I don't think there is a problem with the current system. I know this is coming from a GH, but I don't often war with lb players. In my war clan we usually use mid-size attack builds alongside GH and have just as much success as clans which use the lb/GH strategy. Just keep in mind that GH don't just war with lb. thx ️
  8. Survival of the fittest

    adapt to your new environment or survive till you can.
  9. You lost me at "rediculas"
  10. Has anyone heard a word about this? Or are we all just gonna choose between tearing down our builds or not doing s3?
  11. Choice is easy
    Tear your build Down or spend a fortune an become lb.
    hmmm I could say something there  but what the hey. S3 I'm out 
    Gh nerf has been stated since these came out with nothing done. You think anything to really change it will be done now. Why?
  12. I don't think it will change. But devs haven't said a word about it. I tore down my build to become gh for s2 - and got nerfed.. now I have to do the same again if I want to do s3................... also the devs said when they made the gh nerf that they would adjust accordingly after a few weeks. Now, I may be blind, but I don't see any adjustments made. everything is just as s2 were