Then change the DTS/DTW range. If I'm 12m cs and I can hit 2milcs. That is 600% below my cs and same for 2mil cs. So lets just say that you can only hit within a range of 35% of your cs up or down.
Were done with chaos wars. Hope devs do something and if not have at it everyone. After a string of crazy matches it don't seem to matter how we build the roster we continue with weird matches. Maybe season 3 looks different. Until then have fun with this chaos.
Mids are the links of kaw but they are forced by the system to either go in so called *gh* n now *sh* or leave warring devs u want better match ups so u gave 11 rooster?? Mids have better chance to get in 26-29 in 11 most clans wants on gh/lb where will miss go? If clans use Mids in this setups they are getting super idiotic match up... No offense to anyone but Mids become weak points for them ultimately most of the kaw will not war so no better match ups same clans will Win again n again. Ps. *Most of the kaw is mid* nor gh nor lb
I'm sorry to burst your bubble but the reason they nerfed the gh wasn't because it was good at war, oh no, it's because people that were gh wouldn't ever grow. With the release of HF and t6 they hoped that would change but ghs would either just explore the lands and leave empty, or not explore them at all. The gh nerf was to encourage hansels to grow and become stronger. And i feel that issue has been strongly addressed since my stats have tripled since the nerf :lol: I WANTZ MA MONEHZ Anyway, clearly you're not using your mid sized build effectively enough. Mid sized builds are there to storm the ghs!! God damnit. And then of course selfKO on meatsheilds p Just grab yourself some sexy eb equips and enchant it up then you don't have the issue of gh beating you with EQ!
Support... EE needs fixed... LB/GH roster's are killing this war system... it's either you conform and become a LB/GH war clan or waste your time and money losing to LB/GH roster's because that's been the case the last 7 wars I have fought in a row... LB are to big to successfully hit and GH payout on attacks is pathetic... So based on the math/mechs of the game it is physically impossible to beat unless u stack your roster's the same way... Until this is fixed I am refraining from doing any more EE and suggest anyone else upset with this system to do the same. Let all these LB/GH clans fight each other taking away their advantage, cause they have never needed any actual strategy to win, they just relied on the system to win for them... Once that happens and they realize that they actually have to fight and come up with a strategy in order to win all their heads may explode and EE will die all together...
To the devs: An updated summary. In hopes to reach the devs I created this forum thread to express discontent with the current system of ee wars, and also hope to come up with a solution that is reasonable and doesn't rebreak the system. I see a lot of people on here discontent with it as well and myself, I thank you all for expressing your thoughts on fixes and thoughts on the matter. I also see a lot of different solutions both on this thread and elsewhere on forums. Please pay attention to these because a lot of warriors are soon to be left out or forced to go gh or bigs till a solution is made. Yes, I also see a lot of people saying that those unhappy with the current system are whining or cry baby's. Still others say just adapt to the system. well if u feel those that are unhappy about the system are whining so be it we spend money and time to build a good war build. Before u say a word on this thread about that, a good war build is not just a gh with lots of bfa or a big atk/hybrid build. Im sorry that's the system making any other war build useless. noted: atm those are the only good ee war builds. To those that feel we rebels if u will need to just adapt... meh... we shall if necessary. It is my belief that if the system stays broken in my eyes as it is, then eventually only builds there will be in ee wars will be the bigs/gh builds and sense they cant face each other.... ee disintegrates. Again this is just my belief. I hope not to discourage anyones thoughts and comments all are welcome and have a place here. My favorites though are kick, revenantvt, and my own (of course im going to think my fixes are good). Also Id also like to remark about the kill the gh advantage or kill the lb and bigs advantage etc etc. I personally don't feel that gh are broken nor the lb bigs are broken. they just get the large amount of attention because of the stacking situation. Final summary: I know u have said devs that this will be addressed and even asked for advice on fixes to gh. I really appreciate that you have taken notice and said that you will address the issue. Yet, we the people of kaw masses would really REALLy like to have this addressed more then just the day of or day before opening of season 3. Ty for your attention on these issues dev team.
Wouldn't it be great if you got a random war build each time u warred by the system which wasn't relevant to your real build I know it would make no sense in the fact no body would need to build an account but it would totally stop all issues on fair EE
Devs could make it so you have to have a set # of bigs,smalls, and mids on your roster. Could monitor by CS/BFE/BFA. If you don't meet the build type that your clan need to war you don't get in.
Just a tip, double tap the caps lock button (on idevice) to permanently lock the caps. To unlock it, simply tap the caps lock again. On another note, good luck with your issue. Hope it gets solved.
Since the devs locked my other thread since it was 'spam' i have to asked here Couldn't u bother to just say that u at least are aware of the issue?