to the devs

Discussion in 'Wars' started by xXxOUT_Zerogrim_LAWZxXx, Jan 3, 2014.

  1. Does that really make them good? How would they know if they never face an opponent that can challenge them?

    Good at gaming matchups is not the same thing as being good at war.
  2. Well many good clans are good at war as well, its their opening strategy that wins a lot of wars . You know because look at thier past wars, # of bigs and # of smalls.
  3. Yes, but in a match where one side is severely handicapped in their ability to gain plunder strategy really isn't the deciding factor at all. It's easy to see, and as you stated - you experienced first hand.

    Just because you dropped build to get in a clan that games matchups, doesn't mean that everyone else should have to do the same. The system is broken when it excludes all but two options to win with any consistency
  4. I also agree ee needs addressed. So y'all know there are still clans not manipulating the system. In no remorse we cast members. Who wants war gets to war. All are built for war. We haven't been winning much recently bcuz of crazy matches but we ate closer now than weve ever been. Keep warring and grow amongst your clans. Try not to get discouraged at crazy matches. Lord knows I have. Just war. If its manipulation going on I have faith it'll be dealt with eventually.
  5. Yeah...and that shouldn't be the case IMO. The good clans should be warring the other good clans, not the newb clans that are just getting into war. Granted, I love an easy win just as much as the next guy, but the best wars are the ones where I'm actually challenged.
  6. I have been warring in EE for a long time, some know me, some don't. Mathematically, the reason big lbers with ghs work is because they never face each other. Balanced war clans get screwed by your farce of a hit ratio matching system. A balanced war clan with a sprinkle of 16-18m cs, some 10-14m cs, and a few 4-8m cs members will have a near 100% hit ratio to a lb stacked / gh clan. Sure the overall CS will be equal, sure everyone can technically hit each other, but no one in their right mind thinks a 10m cs attk build will land hits on a top 100 lber with 3m static attack towers and 10T in bfa. These lb stacked rosters rarely face each other because they run a 40/60 ratio of builds that cant hit top to bottom. They will always fall below the 75% hit ratio.

    How do you fix this? You change the matchup algorithm. Hit ratio is a joke. A 3m cs towered gh can hit 20m cs+. Manipulate that same gh to 1.5m cs and he hits 8-9m cs max. Mix in some 20m cs with bfa builds, throw in some 1.5m cs ghs and you have a hit ratio manipulating roster that will only draw balanced rosters. No wonder all clans are going to the same roster. Easy enough. The matching tweak has to be done using easily implemented statistics. Total relative strength is already built in. Add in total range of builds, 20m cs max, 2m cs min = range of 18m cs. Add in standard deviation and variance metrics. A top/bottom heavy roster will have huge standard deviation/variance/range metrics and will be matched with similiar size and built clans. Balanced clans will have smaller standard deviation, variance, range metrics and will be matched with similiar built rosters. This would greatly reduce the roster manipulation done by lb/gh clans. Now they can fight themselves - KaW rejoices.

    Until the devs seriously take a look at statistical measures of roster development, these lb/gh clans will continue to exclude mid-sized warriors and hansel builds. If the devs need a crash course in statistics, drop me a line.
  7. I would add to your last line ... Strategy is not matchup gaming in my eyes it's a version of an exploit not intended by the devs. But rather strategy in my eyes is considering who to put on what targets, when and who to crystal, who should stay high, who should sko and plunder and when. All these and other things should be in atleast in my eyes the winning factors of a winning clan and roster.... Not purely the roster makup. Sure some strategy is used even in these stacked rosters grant you that. Yet, a simpleton can see what most winning rosters are doing and for instance... The best there is ill give secrets now.

    *spoiler alert*

    Without naming clan there winning strategy is this. Guild Hansels 2or 3 are set on each target and spy them down with scouts and or assassins.... Then plunder till ko.... Then bank gold and 2/3 crystal immediately after and repeat..... Bigs sit high and plunder from high... If targeted for early ko they plunder ASAP sko, bank and 1/3 crystal immediately so as to always be the ones sitting.... Rest of crystals are used as needed to stay up and/or regain control of war.... Now that's just the fighting technique rest is all about allies... As whole team is well stacked and have good equip.... The allies are moved to boost there positioning (yes I know devs said they would watch and any over 1t in changes clan would be dq but I know of this one clan that's never suffered this and des more then 1t in changes every war.) the triplck it this specific clan also desires gh to hit mids 10-15m raw cs with attacks with specific ghs. So they stack those gh with extreme Allie atk buffing chances.

    *end of spoiler*

    No disrespect to this clan they are good at what they do. They know who they are, and also know I am correct in what I'm saying. And sadly even knowing strat they and I know it's unbeatable except for someone using a similar strat and just as stacked.
  8. I completely agree.
    Yet I do it anyhow but the system is bugged cause ive had some ridiculous matches.
  9. Wow rev did u just preach! Well stated
  10. But Omet, I clearly remember the owner of a top war clan, Starry, bringing up the matching issues and everyone was saying "whining" and KAW_Admin said"nothing was wrong with the matching algorithm". Look at the same clan, they stopped the feedback and they've adjusted and are winning.

    Change the system and it will happen again
  11. Ok, so clearly we have 2 sides to this.

    1 being change your build to
    Lb or gh to be successful. Or simply don't ee.

    2. Change current system so that more clans and kingdoms can war.

    Either the system has to change significantly or the players do. Am I correct with this statement? Believing that I am I say this to all both are reasonable to an extent. But I'd personally say favorably on system changes due too the exclusions of vast majority of the players in kaw if kaw devs
    Wish to increase number of players and clans doing the wars....

    I saw some posts by devs of like 30 clans signing up with current system I believe that will actually drop significantly till there are only a few clans doing wars all o them stAcked and yet none can face each other.... Then changes would be necessary... See we're I'm going with this.???
  12. Rev and Zero are spot on with their analysis but do we believe the Devs will change the match up system to effect this in time for season 3? Nope, sorry I don't think they will. Season 2 end came with promises of change and low and behold changes were made..... To what we have now. I'll continue to war in season 3 because I will support my clan mates no matter what, and probably continue to lose as my lack of BFE clearly shows. But hell it's only a game and losing a war is better than thumping a repeat button in an EB. Rather war with the best bunch of guys you could meet than hear the echo in an empty EB clan chat room.  good luck to all in S3.
  14. Zero stop being such a whiny little girl and deal with the fact that your build SUCKS
  15. I agree, the system is poo, but as long as Devs getting his money I'm not sure his bothered.
  16. Dat English tho^
  17. U have similar build type I just have towers
  18. Devs have indeed stopped posting match ups in forums post war. But I truly believe they are checking the data and seeing the same thing we are. Changes will be made. When is a great question. And how is even a greater question. Offering possible solutions is what we need to do. The banter is just filler. 1.)Exclude bfa stats in war
    2.)Dtw/dts based off building cs only during ee
    3.)Do nothing, but inform your customers that nothing will be done, so they can decide now what they want to do.
    Those are my favorite 3 so far. :p
  19. Agreed kick I got off track myself there haha.
  20. Exclude bfa stats would hurt you more.