To the clan "International Chaos"

Discussion in 'Wars' started by RedHotVixen_MaCHiNE, Sep 16, 2014.

  1. I use KotFE members to check my prostate.
    I have an idea! Reset.
  2.  they threatened us with osw - we still waiting for the hits though 
  3. Im not even in kotfe & im afraid, what if im next ?!
  4. Is it only me who saw on International Chaos their number 1 rule on the clan page is "No Farming"

  5. I would like to propose a theme song for Kotfe when they hit you… ."International love (or something similar)" by Pitbull 
  6. What about 'international (not so) bright young things'? Showing my age here lol
  8. Goodluck KotFE you will need it. 

  9. My balls just shrivelled up a bit when i took a peek at that awesome roster of thiers...

  10. 
  11. Oh nooooooooos! *Runs away using the zig zag manoeuvre*
  12. Everyone stay calm and stop drop and roll. I repeat stop. Drop. And roll!
  13. The top person in International Chaos is practically a no stat with 12k wins. Is this a joke?
  14. No its not a joke... Everyone here is absolutely serious.
  15. If you look at the international chaos clan page, the have quiet the variety of EBs scheduled.
  16. Am I picking up sarcasm here???
  17. Super surious

    This is so FoeReelz
  18. This will be the War to end all War.