To The American Veterans

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -WillyTheDeuce-, Nov 11, 2014.

  1. I'm well aware, sir.

    As I've stated on several occasions on this thread. This thread is specific to my United States brothers and sisters home and abroad.

    We all have our countries. And we all have fought together.

    If you created a thread for your countries veterans, I would support and honor your men and women. There is no disrespect.

    Hence the thread title.
  2. ️vets
  3. Support. Thank you all veterans .
  4. Respect, Willy
  5. 1/4 cav U.S ARMY
  6. Support thank you to all veterans who served this great country 
  7. Yes unlike your countries in israel we do compulsory 3 year service and I have fought in the Lebanon war and the second Palestinian intifada i had friends shot to pieces and blown by land mines right next to me after this happens to you see how right you think what your fighting for is.
    All you guys who are attacking me must've forgot where the steal/attack button is im not loosing gold lmfao
  8. You're Australian though.
  9. I live in Australia now and got my australian citizenship after quitting the army at the end of the Lebanon war

  10. :lol: right not losing gold you have nothing left to take your pots are shattered you stay pinned you sure arnt grown lets continue to play.
  11. I sold my pots and banked in bronze bars i can easily quit and come back in a year I've done it b4, im done fighting. I am sorry for being so disrespectful and I wish I could've said that less offensively but I stand by my words<- this is not me asking for a cf continue please makes no difference to me
  12. MERICA 

  13. When did that  become acceptable ? I've never understood how that or " 'Murica" is showing pride in your country.
  14. Oh jeez 