TO: New World Order

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by SimbaTheFatDog, Sep 17, 2014.

  1. Eb records show that he was Active One Day ago in one of ur ebs.
    Plz no lies
  2. Your comment to me doesn't make much sense. So I'll just assume you were implying my showing up was delayed. I hit your friend this morning for being an idiot. This afternoon I found out aurora had joined hitting nwO with you. And no one gets away with jumping family. Which is what that is. So I'm here. Got here soon as I got home an knew what happened. Not about time anything. Your friend only became a big enough idiot to hit when he made this thread. As for stripping the rest of us or you or whatever you said. We'll gladly be doing strips until this ends. Any I'm running won't be announced. If anyone else runs it announcing it is up to them. Good luck. And may the odds be never in your favor
  3. lol you mean got home from school? right cause all I know it took yall 4 days to do anything trust me I aint goin anywhere cup cake allies can be replaced in matter of a few days as for this osw not gonna end till yall drop your tags post my wall and then disband nwo for the time yall made me waste trust me ive been in 1 account vrs 3 clans for 7months been stripped 23 times been "farmed" for months never reset this is a clickin game not my life like some of you social rejects
  4. What happen to LSA members jump on wars everywhere. A month or so ago I thought they where supporting another war like LHL Osw( not sure which side). Then few weeks ago was supporting BH against AoW. Now this war hahaha. I guess LSA are real warriors
  5. I understand Sky..... Somewhat. Defending my member and then abondoning him is un-respectable. First off, I don't tolerate bullying (including Black Mail) of any kind. Your leader even admitted to it and tried to turn it around by claiming he was a "war runner". As for dragging us, I told Killernumber to piss off when he threatened killer with the reset. He agreed to a 1v1 and then suddenly.... I see a missing ally and another guy. Same difference.

    No one jumps my family.
  6. Hera Za_killer admitted to dropping the Allie and was stupid enough to "call out" NWO. He is talking all that crap but I rarely see him in my news or have anyone report inc from him. Whenever I do see his inc it's all fails.
  7. Not really, Im hitting the people hitting me
    Currently im hitting, i know they're small:

    And yes kill, most of my hits on you are fails, maybe you should pick on somebody your build? Not an eb noob build? And and yes, a couple Aurora members admitted that you approched us, asked to to run your sub, then said "**** you, go away."
  8. Pah. dont make me laugh, You already said you were going to do it eventually multiple times ..... Besides, what the hell do you me to do about this? I'm not CF'ing. Ever. Besides, Gator tried to organize a mutual CF which was easy enough, just ignore Killer. That's the one condition it'll take till we stop.
  9. [​IMG]

    When this noob asked me to help him farm Killernumber.
  10. and? you did the right thing by telling him no I have friends ask for help in there problems all the time but I don't make it look like its a big deal he admitted to bein a eb noob im defending whoever fights in the clan im in out of respect for killer and the owner but don't mean yall gotta go do " she said" "he said" :shock:
  11. now tbh when I started to hit your 2 clan mates ty1675 and now_tamara_now ran there fingers on my wall and reps wall. how come none of you are caring about that even though they insulted me first and rep does that give me a right to post black mail on forums? head :?: the proof is on my wall if you want ill clear it down keeping my posts aswell no in this osw is a saint so lets hit and stop the politics. speaking of that that's why I refused anything killer had to say cause nwo is doing exactly what ive been typing about for the past 4 days. 1. they pick on smaller accounts proof in that ss on heads. 2nd. they run there fingers on my wall insulting me when I tried to be civil with them. 3rd. yall act like this is a big deal. remember im hitting cause one of your members picked on a 200kcs account and when told to stop by multiple players the person ran after bein hit pretty sure he changed his name aswell like I said to tamara and ty im not goin anywhere for a long time way after whoever cfs first
  12. Sky, if your all "respectable" and "noble" type of guy, why exactly do you associate yourself with these "wannabe" OSW'ers, liars and bullies? New Scout Order has been bullying players for a while, their only known "achievement" OSW wise was farming a ragtag group of misguided farmers. I've seen multiple claims from RoD and others from NWO's previous OSW claiming to have hit NWO due to bullying. Now I can't back up these claims with SS's but I'm sure you could've seen them in the duration of the OSW and you could ask RoD yourself.
  13. You want to know why I didn't accept your stupid alliance request Killernumber? Your an idiot. Blandly, you never think things through, I'd have thought RoD would've taught you a lesson about bullying players. Guess not, black mail huh? That's a new kind of low and trust me when i say this. You can get all the allies and friends you want. But I'm not stopping until you apologize, I've had enough of your rat ****.
  14. Who bullied who? Do you honestly think we are going to let Za_Killer go after calling us out? He broke his own 1v.1 terms by hitting NWO members?

    So in other news Hera get your head out of your ass and L I challenged you and your 4 other alts yet no incoming from you since then. If you wanna play warrior, play the role right and fill my newsfeed.
  15. Pssshhhhh.... My alts? I'm definitely not the one with my head up anywhere :D. You wanna play warrior? Stop being pinned . My statement was pretty damn clear, you asshats are the bullies. Also you mine as well take that "OSW clan" **** off your CI. 
  16. Explain bullies to me? It's a war game for crying out loud don't like incoming cf on KillerNumbers wall.

    That's my statement enjoy it and cherish it.
  17. Honchos. how about you SS the conversation a bit more? I asked if you could calm killer down. After all, with his bomb, i am a punching bag.
  18. Bullies is a pretty straightforward term, no need to be a dick about it. I'm fully aware that this is a war game. No Perm, will ever CF to drunken idiots. We're a OSW clan.

    We enjoy it and cherish it. 
  19. @ Head-Honcho,

    Stop hiding from pin and stop SBing me... A hansel/PS can do a LOT better than SB an attack build...I dare you... Go on...Steal me sucker .-.
  20. Calm it down with the forum warfare guys, c'mon.