TO: New World Order

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by SimbaTheFatDog, Sep 17, 2014.

  1. lawlz ps with allies during osw don't mix :lol:
  2. I'm noticing that you trashed killer for his 25/8 comment. An obvious satarical comment. Yet you now imply that failing quests results in inc. also if you switched to ps and left gold out you should be attacked. That's just common sense.

    Why must people lie. Aurora and everyone else knows nwO is hitting. NwO and everyone else knows aurora is hitting. Do I think the leadership there is in the wrong. Yes. Do I think that the majority of our inc represent merc unrelated. Yes. Do I think they'll win. No. Demanding a disband from a clan you jumped while your active perm count is under ten is a sign of weakness. Because if the war ended tonight nwO would rebuild whereas aurora would die. And that is the result we'll see for the forseable future

    That said. I'm enjoying the war. Incoming periodically. Though I'm not pinned and I get full bars enough throught the day to be a pain. Incoming strip attempts which are always nice. Though they focus too much on my alt. I wish it had stayed more respectful. But the loss in that was due to both sides so no one to really blame there. I'm enjoying hitting different guys on a targeting list that is being updated every time a new member joins them and I'm certainly enjoying how upset the members of yours who we are ignoring are getting. If you think attacking someone who wants to be hit wins a war you are sadly mistaken
  3. Stop making fun of ps with allies lol. Your number 9 is a ps with more than 4x goofy allies. Good try tho
  4. you know sky I was gonna make fun of you for the crap you type but I changed my mind... only a handful of times have I seen anyone post inc from you in cc. have a good day :lol:
  5. :ugeek: didn't notice nwo_duck_nwo reset
  6. if the shoe fits, lace that ***** up !
  7. barcode, I have warred with you before, and sadly I can see your assinine insults and outlandish tales have not decreased since those days. Did you seriously just poke fun at someone who attacks a ps? Hell yes, if you are dumb enough to be a ps and not come up as DTW when I hit attack, then I will gladly take the bounty you have offered up simply because you were too lazy to bank or too unskilled to know you needed to. Talk to your big guy Goliath, he obviously knows how to work with the build, as I have rarely found him, if ever, not DTW to attack, which I respect. Take time to learn and research a little before you say things that only make you look like a naive punk and which in turn reflects poorly on your clan.
  8. Lmao Za_Killer says he'll take us on but cried to Hera who asked DBAD1 to strip my reset bomb.:lol: Never ending cycle of butthurt
  9. well atleast i dont fight nubs now thats out of the way.. second hows bh treating you these days i heard the stories you know still got friends in bh.. and after this osw ima teach you how to war better keep them sdp up cause once nwo disbands ,dies off, or ask for a cf and this osw is over me and you are not. oh and as far has me bein a ps with gold out if having like 200 gold out is bein " naive" then so be it i dont hide in pin. second let me hear what stupid ass story bird told you why i left bh tg since im hearing all the wrong things. wanna know the truth i still have the ss of bird and i little pm.. as far as nwo goes yall are dying off 1 by 1.. clan roster tells the sotries.. like i said before after this osw is over me and you are gonna have a 1v1.
  10. so far what i noticed from nwo members is. 1. they attack ps 2. they scout bomb attack builds. 3. stripped inactive peeps that prob havnt signed in or even realize there clan is in a osw. so far got 3 peeps thats gonna be delt with after osw
  11. @Barcode sz:41
  12. to all you muffin tops i didnt run i left do to certain things that will not be made plublic on this forum im still hitting nwo well whats left of them.. i just joined another osw that actually worth hitting nwo just admit yall are tired and dead.
  13. I thought all sides wanted to stop forum post
    Mod /lock please thanks
  14. You're all noobs 
  15. Gee thanks Nate 
  16. Code just farm all of them like me
  17. Bumb says the guy who quit