true is a very experienced player and has helped me not only in game but in rl as well. ive seen him attempt to put his growth on the line numerous of times to help small beginner clans grow, a few of which i followed him around to but later i went my own path. but is would lay down my army for him if he asked. forever my mentor and friend
go true_end!! such a humble and kind dude! truly knows his stuff! haha been in many clans he helped run here and there and was suprised at the amount of information the guy has and all he was able to spout out at times in cc.
What we as players dedicated to the growth of kaw don't know, is exactly why the 3 day players quit. No one talks to them to find out in time So when you see a grey name, help them with your experience instead of volley to 20bil and make a profit. Just sayin
i agree with banananana. true is a great friend and mentor. he definitely knows his stuff. ive seen him help so many and would fight by his side any day. and as bananas also pointed out ive seen the damage he can do lmfao
cerially guys he knows what hes saying ive made so much off tiny vollies like this! and no troops needed or wasted
Thanks for the support everyone and yea Ben I agree, which is why I hope everyone take the knowledge here and passes it on by remembering this stuff themselves. Sorry it's not all pretty looking and formatted greatly but like I've said I did this in 5 mins super quickly after some other guys post about noobs and not being able to get allies to make ally plunder. End point is there's good information in here, take it for what it's worth or just get out
Hi i just started 7 days ago and am only the size i am today thanks to doing these little vollies true is talking about. I do maybe 10 or less a night which takes like 20 minutes or less and make more than i made the whole dy unloading on epic battles
The game is to complex in its mechanics, support is difficult to find, and the's too simple and boring in its execution, in effect, it's dying and no surprises there!