To my Friends at Fury, and a Challenge to Maddog

Discussion in 'Wars' started by xX___lIIlI__RLaw8__llIIll___Xx, Mar 12, 2014.

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  1. Problem solving at its finest.

  2. As stated earlier I'm not getting into who broke 1v1 cause both sides blame the other. That being said the only thing I see know is Elvis stepping up and trying to wipe the slate clean and do the 1v1 the right way and Maddog is avoiding it. I've a huge lurker for the most part but have been around long enough to only see history repeating itself. I'm not fighting a battle in forums. Simply reaching out to old friends. The ones that still rock the x's and the ones that knew I had your back when I was in clan and know I still have your back now. Let this fight be fought by the people with beef. Regardless I see one guy stepping up and trying to make it right.
  3. Did that smokey guy really say "in front of God"?

    That made me spill my coffee from laughing at 

    Snr 
  4. @op "we are all soldiers" no you are all not, you are on a app on ur phones
  5. Don't involve clans to many friends let do 1 vs 1 or just talk like family we use to be remember respect take you to many good places
  6. I've seen first hand fury is a force to be reckoned with in OSW, and MG has a reputation for the same. Good luck to both sides, should be interesting.
  7. Can't we all just get along

    So we can put hickies on her chest like lil shawn.
  8. This is definitely a grab the popcorn moment

    Scrap it out guys - OSW much more fun than a 1v1 ;)

    Losers don't deserve support. Support is for champions.

    Good luck!!
  10. While that may be kinda true willy we should at least applaud both sides for osw and keeping pvp alive after all isn't that what everyone keeps moaning about lol. Support to both sides gl and hf
  11. all that talk about they did that and they did this just have some fun and fill those news feeds
  12. I guess it dose 
  13. When mg needed fury during the zaft osw we were there for them, no questions asked because we were "blood brothers" but when they had a chance to show their support for us during our last osw they did nothing.

    I don't know the details cause that's above my pay grade but the simple fact is that they turned their back on us.

    So as far as am concerned this osw is long over due.

    Where maddog leads, we follow cause we know the meaning of loyalty to friends. Unlike some clans out there.

     Fury  for life
  14. Sorry if what i ask is silly. But ive no clue

    Is it possible for a clan war be done and have only those 2 players smack each other for 4-8 hrs? Thats like the perfect record keeper
  15. Did you guys really need help with iG and/or IDS? They had under 100 members between them.

    Just curious.
  16. Lol. MG pulled out of the alliance OSW, and fury didnt join it.

    Both as bad as one another ?
  17. you right I have no idea why fury mad you guys didn't join against zaft and WDGAF alliance I did I wasn't even part of any alliance you want to be a great leader do one VS one if you claim to be all that go for it 
  18. Shame your brothers don't share your views sin , I'd never name and shame them either . There the loyal ones .
  19. In front of god...

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