To misfits inc. and other factions farming me -baconmau5

Discussion in 'Wars' started by lIl-xXx-Miss-Kreeak-xXx-lIl, Mar 20, 2013.

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  1. Ah ok well I'm quite happy with any result here then :)
  2. Well...grandpa can b in the er several i guess that explains op's inactivity... lol
  3. This goes far beyond baconmau5' failings at war. When asked why he was inactive, he replied with abuse, and even had an abusive banner for a while. Followed by more abuse at Misfits Inc Head of Clan. Hits ( by me, certainly) will NOT cease. That is all
  4. Apology not accepted by me (Misfits have there own say)
    My private terms stand!
  5. If you want me to stop I want a private apology thread addressed to me saying your sorry for the abuse and I want the same on my wall
  6. Are you guys seriously being that mean?
  7. Zach, he bad mouths a clan or two and decides to be an idiot then begs for a CF in a week or two..
  8. He s obviously lying.
    Missing the war maybe ok.
    Making up excuses and now I here claims of abuse :?
  9. Kind of funny bacon how you didnt eleborate on what you did to offend, insult, disrespect, and harm others at my clan, MISFITS Inc., and the other countless people you farmed. You are a pathetic silly noob who just spins the story to your advantage BUT we all know the truth and if you think your post will help it wont. You shown what a coward you are to hide behind lies rather than apologize sincerely to all of us. Your farming issue will not stop until you stop causing them you moron.
  10. I am not in anyway connected or apart of misfits, I had experienced problems of him farming me before and after an EE war, he also decided to slander my wall for the duration of the war and the two days that followed..until he apologised as you can see on my wall...then he's done it again so now he's in trouble..
  11. Looks like you cant handle what you deal out to others mister bacon. Keep crying and whining. Ill keep alts and others on you for months to come.
  12. How is " K*** is r(e)t(a)r(d)e(d)" as a banner?? That was baconmau5' banner for a week til he got tired of being hit. Misfits Inc is NOT a farm clan out for notoriety, therefore no terms of cf are available. We don't want apology or gold, we will hit til there is no baconmau5 to hit
  13. @goborambo

    *he apologizes
  14. Also. You should have mentioned the thing about your grandpa (which im sure is a lie), you left because we were losing war you pathetic lieing sack of filth. Tell me thats not true! Filthy liar.
  15. Here's an idea:

    Just don't let him back in.

    Fool me once, shame on you.
    Fool me twice, shame on me.
    It's your own fault. You knew that.
  16. Lol @ frogs reply. Same here. Used to wake and veil in those situations 
  17. This guy trys to farm and ruin the game for newcomers... I eas targeted by someone like him when i 1st started & it wasnt much fun. A taste of his own medicine is the least he deserves. Dont be fooled. Baconmau5 is like hemaroids! Unfortunately, u cant rub cream on him to make him go away... Therefore... Farm the farmer till he learns some manners!
  18. The story about your grandfather is a lie and cover sap story for your failings and shortcomings as a dignified, honest, reputable human being. Its pretty obvious what a coward you are now thst youve gotten a taste of your own medicine. Hope you like it bc you messed with the wrong people.
  19. Anyone else in this thread that supports bacon will be subject to FB unloads. Im done here.
  20. I honesty don't care if he was lying or not, but he WAS talking about it in CC prior to YOU farming him.

    It's your fault, shut the hell up and leave him alone.
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