To MinxyMichelle

Discussion in 'Wars' started by S0L, Feb 22, 2014.

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  1. FYI, MinxyMichelle unfollowed me a long time ago, I followed MinxyMichelle about a week ago to sort things out, MinxyMichelle NEVER followed me back, MinxyMichelle IS a Sr admin, therefore it is her DUTY to help out and respond to the needs of the members regardless of the personal differences she might have with the given member. You know BETTER THAN ANYONE that MinxyMichelle would've never EVER accepted a 1v1 against me in any circumstance, my name would've ended up in ca anyways, and you'd be farming my ass either way.

    By the way, thank you for responding my PMs with possible solutions to this issue. I've been PMing you long before this thread was made, and you haven't responded anything at all. You cannot respond my PMs to resolve an issue, yet you have all the time of the world to respond in forums and try to clear your name.
  2. pure spy without allies n gold?! seems we got a badass here!
  3. I'll give the Zafties one thing. IMO, they seem very professional. But with such a large family and the gold flow, it has to be I suppose.

    Anyways anyone want some buttery popcorn?
  4. wall the owner and TELL them YOU are doing a PvP with her and them FARM the ******* **** out of the **** **** **** **** **** !
  5. I didn't realize KaW literally had a floor.
  6. When Mork posts, it definately is the ground floor !
    <oh no, third person reference>
  7. Hm. MinxyMichelle had me strip farmed because I hit a zaft member a few times ;)

    Support to OP!
  8. If you want a lock wall a mod. Eagle is on now. N avatar should be on too
  9. Locked per op request.
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