To MinxyMichelle

Discussion in 'Wars' started by S0L, Feb 22, 2014.

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  1. Zaft is a great family, and I'm not calling all of them idiots but the one in Zaft Echelon that called themselves "family", and are now on my news. Those are the ones that are idiots, those are the ones that can **** off.

    I'm not gonna hit any other Zaft Echelon member but her, period.
  2. She's way bigger then you? And you say there's no honor In this? THEN YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE DECLARED A 1v1 WITH HER!!!!!!!
  3. You really are a dumb ass. There's no HONOR in a whole lot of people hitting just one person, are you even reading? I want a 1v1 with her, and I would do it if I wasn't getting hit by about 6 or 7 others.
  4. Ugh. I don't think your understanding what you just said. 
  5. You guys are arguing over something that's not nearly worth it.
  6. Is MinxyMichelle Hawt?
  7. Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom pop corn Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom good thread Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom good read Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom
  8. **** off Toxic.
    If you'd like to shove your nose up Zaft's ass, you can pm one of them.
  9. Anarchy, I'm friends with zaft. I pm them regularly. So, idk what ultra problem is
  10. My problem is you, if you are too slow to pick that up. You're one of these cheerleaders who run around anticipating and telling everyone what other people 'will do'.

    Here's a thought.
    Let them do what they want to do, without your idiotic comments.

    And either do something yourself, or just shut up.
  11. Toxic has ciggy butt brain
  12. 1) minx didn't add u to ca, ZE council did
    2) you really don't know ZAFT if you think your childish rants and inc would make a 1v1 (btw you're using 2 accounts so not really a 1v1)
    3) whining about having to hit a target and about someone other than seal user getting items in HTE is hilarious
    4) a hit on one is a hit on all
  13. There's more than meets the eye my friend. Stop talking crap if you don't even know why you're hitting me, you don't even know why I'm hitting but all the **** she must be talking about me in CC, but hey; pigs will always be pigs.  
  14. I'm hitting you for your post in that 3rd party app . crying over ppl getting given items in hte by the seal holders even though you never ever used a seal. That was your reason that you yourself gave for hitting minx. So I'm going off your post your words. If you would like I could post it here to refresh your memory. My philosophy for ca is- I Don't need a Reason just a Name. Just so happens it's your name in ca.
  15. toxic take ur gay ass RPL tags and get the **** out
  16. I must be psychic because I see an apology thread in the future.
  17. As owner of ZAFT ECHELON I want to be clear on several things. Regarding you being farmed, that was deemed a previous issue prior to joining Zaft As you were told all issues needed to be resolved. The entire time I along with some other Zaft owners worked back channels trying to help resolve the issue at hand.
    Regarding CA Dbad said it best "I don't need a reason just a name".
    1vs1 - we have tried to encourage if its a fair match or beneficial match for our members. DBad has had a 1vs1 for a while and he himself specifically asked us not to add target to CA. If you wanted a 1vs1 against MinxyMichelle you should have posted her wall or via a forum post without all the other stuff you added to this one.
    You calling members idiots and or telling them to F'off, whether its a handful or the entire clan certainly wasn't nor is the way to proceed with any grievances or differences you may have.
    Claiming that our rules vary for person to person is bull #*#*.
    For me to sum everything up ---
    MinxyMichelle can accept your 1vs1, have you stay in CA, accept apology, or whatever else she now decides. As she is one of our Sr. Admins here I will support her.
    FYI I don't care to post forums as rule. But this obviously required a response.
    My only suggestion would have been to follow Michelle and hash things out in PM. Family doesn't always get along but at the end of the day we are still family.

    Thanks all
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