To King Caine

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -DaKiller-, May 11, 2013.

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  1. 
  2. King wanted CF then declined my terms

    @Whoever talked about crying
  3. Bacon

    He had joined almost as soon as clan was made. Then he said I was a bad leader and wanted ownership, then he got ButtHurt and decided to kick all non-admins.

  4. Sooooooo all this is your fault for giving him admin. Take the blame for it and leave him alone.
  5. I do admit the thread is a bit to much and the clan name is a bit gay(no offence)
  6. What is so "Gay" about it?

    All the haters need to GTHO, you're just following the bandwagon
  7. This more or less has a thread already and the op could have put this on a wall.
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