to EB or to PW, an answer.

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by igerpums, Jul 26, 2011.

  1. I think by far, if there where a battle between haunting and pwar(hlbc osf), by the long run, haunting is better. Which gives more plunder= pwar. But do you get bonuses in pwar= no. So If u want to go the long run, ebs give bonuses and not by a lot, it will make the difference beating pwars
  2. I'd go as far as saying....
  3. Ummm not a sticky. Please in the future PROOFREAD. And I thought you used too many colors. Two or three are fine. And a third point you contradicted yourself also when you said that a pro of pwars is clan hopping and a con of pwars is clan hopping.

    But it's a good effort. And I vote epics better than pwar. I make WAY more gold doing assassinations in the haunting than stealing any OAF any day.
  4. Zhuro, are you saying my other threads aren't colorful and neat? :(

    You just lost the game.

    @who ever told me to proof read, I typed it with my best spelling on word, im a terrible speller. Then I used word's spell check and corrected it. It should me pretty good. Plz tell me what ever I missed and il put it in later.
  5. Geez real Merciless... Got off the wrong side of the Death Star again. Ok so perhaps I was a bit over enthusiastic. Still very good. One small point that perhaps other Hansel builds can verify. I'm on my 43rd land, 1 maxes CoE, 2 maxed SoS, the rest level 4 Guilds. For me I get ~750 mil for my unload (26 hits) plus ~100 mil per spy unload in PW against maxed OSF
  6. Geez real Merciless... Got off the wrong side of the Death Star again. Ok so perhaps I was a bit over enthusiastic. Still very good. One small point that perhaps other Hansel builds can verify. I'm on my 43rd land, 1 maxes CoE, 2 maxed SoS, the rest level 4 Guilds. For me I get ~750 mil for my unload (26 hits) plus ~100 mil per spy unload in PW against maxed OSF
  7. OAF. So it's good going.
    In the EB for the haunting I'll bring in a bit less than 750 mil over the battle. So I'm a bit shy of the PW #s and have to work harder .
    It goes without saying that the return on the spying is much higher in EB.
    Speaking with some of my buddies it seems that Guild-Hansels (especially if large) do a bit better in PW. However, SoS-Hansel do better in EB where spies pay much better than in PW. Anyone had the same experience?
  8. Damn had to post in two steps