To Chaos Reborn

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Valkyl_More_MaCHiNE, Aug 1, 2014.

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  1. Zach I'm right here any time u wanna try your luck.

    As for me and mine, I don't support this apology thread. My aim was not to start a bunch of ****, but rather state, a warning to those still funding strips. Cuz I'm still calling ppl in the middle of the night waking them up cuz they being stripped
  2. Wtf would u all do or say 

    Yes I know he has good price allies. So it's a grey area. And @ the comment about asking kaw to strip him. Yes I know, I wasn't aware the initial thread was going up
  3. "My aim was not to start a bunch of ****, but to simply state" my opinion. Why would I want to "try my luck"?
  4. Ron-u need some medication dude. U started all this talk on the very thread you're saying u weren't aware of.

    I'm in awe of your stupidity and nonsensical talk.

    I'll be shocked if u are still in the clan a/b group by this time tomorrow.

    Also, put that dnh banner's so 2013
  5. KotFE officially dropping Clan B as allies

    Keep digging the hole Ron.

    Val is a good leader. You are garbage.
  6. Good deal
  7. **** just got real
  8. Ain't ron just Mad he got stripped like 5 Times by tech lmao
  9. I'm the owner of Clan B, while I don't support forums , there is a time we all have to come on them. Words are twist, angry flares, and this is what we are left with. Thank you Ron for your passion , I understand your upset as am I , with Techsage. Ron's words might not have been clear, so I'll state how we feel, Techsage funds are coming from his friends and others buying his allies, in which return he strips our smaller ppl. That's a frustrating situation for any clan owner or leader, when we choice to stand against tech stripping our leader, we didn't realize his superhuman capabilities. So we brought it to kaw, with a fun way of saying you catch him we pay. This has gotten out of hand, I believe the leaders of the clans that our upset, with Ron's statement can slightly understand his angry, regardless Ron shouldn't have pointed fingers. I would furthermore appreciate any issues with this, be sent to me. Thank you Clan 
  10. Ronnie boy im thinking ur a little lost in here bud...u sound confused. Why would u ever think that me or any other leader of CR would sit back and take orders from u? And accusations from u? Like I said before bud u don't intimidate me...or anyone to be quite honest. Keep it up...u'll have a lot more then 1 to deal with. Val much respect to u and your post, I assure u cr's and apocs disgust lies with only one of your members...but my advice would be to get rid of this boy u have up in clan b...
  11. Can someone lock my thread? This wasn't the purpose of it.

  12. Can do mate.
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