To all Omets

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Nikki-SE, Aug 20, 2014.

  1. The omets had accounts in a clan involved in an Osw. They were asked to leave. Nicely. Instead of leave they responded " do u know who the omets are? And do you want Osw in the war?"

    That's the wrong response.

    The thread was not really for the omets. It was for all the clans with omets in them. We are sick of the pm crying that your member was stripped. Change your Omet name and move on. If not I am certain you will be stripped. Only omets will be targeted.

    If any clan jumps in to help omets. Prepare to die. 

    KotFE Machine Lord

  2. Exciting morning
  3. Very interesting
  4. long live Omlets (I like Bacon in my Omlets)
  5. Also who are the omets?
  6. Ninja look at page 5, their "king" posted
  7. Support Family.

    Dang, this thread really is amusing :lol: Except for the small mind **** on page 5 :lol:
  8. This is gonna be good
  9. Prepare to die? Lulwut?

    I like omelets, they're a good morning meal.
  10. Nightmare, you do realise how silly death threats are on a video game meant for kids, right?

    Are you going to caps lock rage the omets to death? :lol:

    KotWE Lord
  11. Lol the omets are owned by an sh with no BFA and crap bfe, that is some strong leadership lol.
  12. Eh when was the last time omets got in osw? Say goodbye to them..

    Disclaimer: any threat of death made is limited to an online experience and is no way a reflection on feelings and values towards real life. In real life we would never want you to die. Maybe just stub your toe. Really hard. Hard enough to bleed. That is all
  14. Ok nightmare. Ill be waiting for you at my front door with my Benelli M4
  15. Midnight, your opinion and ignorance is sickening enough. If your bored, hit me. It's not like my OSW targets are keeping me occupied anyways......

    Have fun SE 
  16. @Tepoz, dont say Tlal0can are just 30 members, ur own omet (first in ur clan) made a very clear thread saying that omets are in dozens clans, well, ull just make it more diff to find em all (that SE WILL find em) but dont say u just have 30 members 

    U are just a joke, its like u being known by ur people as the persian king "god", now u met the Spartans , make em hide, they will be found and stripped and maybe made to dance  Gluck either way 

    Support to the Family
  17. Lol their king is a sh? 

    I had an Omelette run his mouth to me when I asked him to leave an OSW he inadvertently joined. Had him naked for a week.. He never hit back just talked

    I think it's weird how they worship a king and have to follow posting rules on a video.. No way I would take order from some creepy online gamer.

    They also say be careful you never know what may be lurking in the shadows.. They are correct, no one will ever know, because you have not fought anyone
  18. I got threatened by OMETOTCHTL1 for hitting em while their clan was in OSW with me. Was told da omets where gonna jump me. I laughed and unfollowed
  19. The Omets mostly come out at night....mostly
  20. Don't underestimate the OMETS. :| They are a dangerous enemy,may of them were farmers,and OSW nuts before they became OMETS.