To all Omets

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Nikki-SE, Aug 20, 2014.

  1. Outnumbering the enemy is a pretty typical and intelligent military strategy and nobody asked you to pick a side
  2. Support to my peeps at SE
  3. Since when is war fought with even sides? This isn't football. Should we also have half time and tv time outs, too? Sorry guys you gotta sit on the bench because the numbers aren't even! What a ridiculous post that was.
  4. So you mean omets outnumbering SE? Because there are definitely more omets than se members 

    Just because they lack conviction and organization to properly attack doesn't mean they don't outnumber SE.
  5. This thread gets my official crayon of approval.
  6. To Valor: A bigot?
    Scientifically speaking, that type of activity is shown to relieve stress and promote overall well being. Given your constant state of hostility, anger and just general pissiness I'd say my assessment is accurate. At the very least it wouldn't hurt (well usually anyway). How that translates into bigotry in your mind is beyond me but then again you're not known for rational thinking.

    Punch line is that all of this does not surprise me in least including your attempts to whitewash yourself (its an expression not racially based cuz I'm pink anyway).

    On topic: finding all the omets gonna be a pain

    Cheers 
  7. Pink, you are truly amazing that you believe you can decipher my temperament, hostility level or any degree of pissiness from a text.
    Perhaps I just get my kicks pissing ppl off on a tap tap game, make a few comments and see who rises to the bait.
    As a strategy war game the battle is already won when the enemy doesn't have a clue who they are dealing with or their motivations.
    A word of advice, best to not be thinking to hard on my bedroom activities because I'm definitely not concerned with yours.
  8. Dont shoot the nessenger i was just trying to be helpful 
    Carry on with your psychotic episodes then 
  9. In regards to the post tepo did. You may not exist just in one clan but keep in mind that some know most of the omet friendly clans that you lurk in, you may be passive and as flyid as water but remember that spread thin with little heat water evaporates.
  10. Valor I'm going to have to ask you to leave.

    This thread isn't about you, isn't about IMF, isn't about lesbians or bedroom activities.

    Let's keep this thread on topic please.
  11. Lol sounds legit oli when big clans get bored they don't hit other bored big clans they go for the low effort wins. I haven't heard of omits since round season 2 now 600 peeps wanna farm em, I support neither side jus dropping my two cents
  12. Support to omets even though, I still don't believe following a game kings every command with no free will is very smart
  13. Where is this number 600 coming from? It's way off lol
  14. Imagine an Omer waking up in a ditch naked, with a note that says

    You have been stripped.
  15. art why just post on these threads now... 2 days and 52 pages, if u readit all at once u need something to do
  16. wanna give us an approx number nightmare?
  17. imma guess around 1200 and lordzeth, no one respects anything you say because your posting with statless alt
  18. @sergent: i'll answer that one, it's 97
  19. Omets bend over yet?
  20. Exactly. Im very curious where 600 keeps coming up from. Can anyone explain?