To all Omets

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Nikki-SE, Aug 20, 2014.

  1. Val you call me a betrayer and question my integrity, yet here I am surrounded by people who both like and respect me

    You on the other hand, even your own clan can't stand you. Really what kind of person do you have to be to get ousted by those closest to you.

    It's really sad that the only thing you have left here is to sit clanless, trolling forums, making up lies and trying to belittle other players. Use that time to sort your issues out instead ️
  2. Truffle I heard something about SE girls kissing there. That's not something you ever want to miss 
  3. 
  4. Dammit JM didn't see your post
  5. Yeah. Good luck trying to get rid of omets. They are more resilient than most people. Their secrets hidden. Its a deep pathway down in the maze. Dont get me wrong. I do hate some omets but overall they are pretty awesome and sneaky. #StayingNeutral.
  6.  I'm super fab 
  7. Keep on topic people, do not get distracted by the butt hurt people

    I demand more omet jokes 
  8. They have a hard time taking a yoke
  9. If there was an Omet in DKoD, would he be considered a Deviled Egg?
  10. Those Jokes are good. I know when I'm beaten....
  11. Stop derailing the thread Mr Val. This is about Omelettes. Go make another thread if you wish to continue fantasising about Roland an his stallion horse.
  12. Oh snap. A war of omelettes.
    Rally your troops!
    Senior General Huevos, is on the attack!
  13.  Interesting. Much better than my newspaper.

  14. These egg jokes are cracking me up. Yes,I went there.

    Support for new fam.
  15. These omelette jokes are getting a bit eggcessive
  16. I have removed posts that contained bypasses, cheating accusations, and personal off topic comments. Keep the posts on topic or the thread will be locked. Final warning.
  17. How am I not surprised. And yet Apoc posts are still there with all their personal references. Seems you can cast stones but don't like them in return