To all Omets

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Nikki-SE, Aug 20, 2014.

  1. Truffle, your logic is contradicting. So those Omets who are in apoc will show loyalty to whom? Omets or apoc? When both at war, whose side they belong?
    If they choose apoc, they would have remove Omets tag.
  2. Thats like forcing your "brother" to stop talking to his best friends, just because you want him to show loyalty to the "family"? No?
  3. Also, the thread explaining what the OMETs are, "CLARITY FROM A DRUNK RABBIT".

    Clearly stated that OMETs remain loyal to their home clans and will NOT expose strips.

    They were even hitting each other during one of the bigger osw between two big alliances.

    So if that applies to this situation as well, making a group of friends, hit each other, is fun to you, SE?
  4. For this case, they prolly wont even have the chance to hit each other.

    They will soon be "asked to leave nicely due to osw" by their own HOME.

    Doesnt this sound kinda sad?
  5. Yes SE stop now truffle has spoken 
  6. Go worship your sh king elsewhere
  7. Contradicting indeed.
    Support to my family. Always first never divided.
  8. Crap accidently copied and pasted my email
  9. lol troll, support to the family
  10. Dear former OMETS

    If I were to start a new cult *cough* clan, would you be willing to worship me as THE GREAT-ALMIGHTY-GOD-KING-TROLL?

    Follow me for details. Cult coming soon.
  11. I appreciate all the haters. But hate harder !!

    You're doing it wrong
  12. The story has been already told, but theirs many stories to this OSW. Please troll else where! - Support SE
  13. No we really don't truffle
  14. I think we're good 
  15. Im pretty sure i see you looking at it right now though :lol:
  16. A lot of butts are getting hurt by the internet lately
  17. Look it's Roland. Hi Roland, betray any alliances lately so you don't have to fight?
    Youre behind on what actually happened, I wasn't removed from anywhere.
    And you are 100% correct on the fact that WarLoR wouldn't have ever joined your band of cowards had I stayed. WarLoR stood alone and fought with worthy allies. Not hide behind a name. But that's -IMF- for you. Lol
  18. Roland - well said 