To all Omets

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Nikki-SE, Aug 20, 2014.

  1. I'd rather cut of my testicles and wear them as earrings 
  2. Very interesting   thats exactly how it rolls 40 to 1 but im here challenging nightmare machine lets see if he accepts hope he isnt all bark no bit it would be a shame
  3. You know as soon as nightmare starts losing his homies will help him...
  4. That sucks.

    I like Omlettes. They are best with toast and orange juice.
  5. Dude plays magic.. That card game was lame back in the day, but this guy still plays it. Wow

    I know I can't say much about nerdy stuff because I'm a "big KAW account" but jeez.. Magic? That's real ghey dude
  6. In 37 pages we've gone from Cannon declaring war on Omets to a dog that would rather wear his testicles as granted, I haven't read the other 36 pages in between but has this thread strayed a little?
  7. Yoo watch out my man might be trading magic cards on ya.. He might have a high level of manny
  8. All MSB members stay off this thread..
    No more games...
    It ends now...

    Apoc enjoy yalls war!!!
  9. Whos notorious? Thats right nobody knows nobody cares  first time iv heard of you just another groupie 
  10. Sorry boss off thread now
  11. Yea you apologize to your internet boss.. Don't make me raise my manny high enough to play my super troll on that ass
  12. You never heard of NOTOROUS?

    Dude doesn't do sit-ups, he bench presses the Earth.
  13. Now everyone can just talk **** to magic and he has to just take it
  14. I agree what's up doggy ?
  15. I heard that magic guy sold his ALF Pogs to buy crystals...

    Watch out!
  16. That's right northlane. Except since all magic is gonna do is go pure spy like a coward, he's really doing all the **** talk about himself for me
  17. Willy if you had something more than yo momma jokes whenever you get your feathers ruffled you would be on my level
  18. I'll bring it back on point mossy. The Omets will spill on themselves . They're idiotic in their speak an they act the same. They have a stupid belief plus they chow on the weak. They're bullies.
  19. This just in......Silph has joined the OMETS!

    **** is getting real now
  20. Serious question, and no disrespect here as mare knows I have nothing but love for kotfe and apoc, but it seems some in apoc have had it out for our FAM. I don't get it, . . .