TN3U and Pieland - NO

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by cheesemuffin, Dec 23, 2010.

  1. Yeah he decided to stay cause forums was addicting and can ya really blame him
  2. Where is Mems!? I wish to force him/her (Idk) to read Revolution. Btw, Im writing a new part soon. German, it's gonna have you in it. :)
  3. This accomplished nothing for you or anyone else cheese
  4. Bull **** , Regran . Don't make it seem like it didn't start because of Pie Land and that you made it better . Complete utter bull **** .
  5. I have to agree with wolf
  6. I didnt say i made i better but u cant blame pie land for this! 
  7. And this is why everyone hate the annoying little piece-of-crap troll named cutiepi.

    This argument died so long ago. I dont care anymore.
  8. Dvor stop bumping u arrogant self centered jerk u beat him no need to b a dick and keep bumping this
  9. DEAD THREAD
  10. Wow I've missed so much. And I don't care!!!!! Tn3u is pretty much the only thing I come on for. So please keep your opinions to yourself
  11. TIGER!!!!! Go to TN4U!!!!!
  12. Cheese apologised for this. You hateres are the reason we almost ran out of nachos.
  13. WE ALmOst RAN OuT Of NaChOs!? 
  14. It's my fault...and you're going to say "how,how?"

    It's to do with the alt, main thing....

    It was a mistake