TN3U and Pieland - NO

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by cheesemuffin, Dec 23, 2010.

  1. Лол

    do I even have to translate that?
  3. I resepect you all for standing up & saying what you want to say, but it takes a man to stop & admit they were wrong, Germany made themselves a good country by doing that, but the fact of the matter is that tho this may just be the internet, the words you type can be harmful to people that get emotional quickly & I'm sure not many of you would be as you are now if we were face to face... Am I correct?
    But Americans think that because you have the largest military/population/ whatever, you are the best... Your wrong.
    Other countries have given u what it is u have today & don't forget it in all your smugness because it is crashing down in front of your eyes, and you can't see it.
  4. Typical Canadian ^
  5. I'm English you moron
  6. Well,we speak your language and we have a large chunk of English blood...soooooooooooo...
  7. Typical Englishman
  8. It's "you're" btw.
  9. Exactly... We made you, others made you, youre no different.
  10. But I don't see myself as any different. >.<
  11. I'm not talking about every American, just the majority
  12. Just like how I'm not talking about every German just the majority that supported hitler
  13. The majority did yes, but many died that were german opposing him, his rule was surrport me or die. But it is in the past, Germany as a country admited to doing wrong & have tried to rectafiy it... At least they tried.
  14. My main blood is Scottish,but I also have a lot of German blood in me;which I'm ashamed of...
  15. I live in the USA and I like it here. Got a problem with that!
  16. U did nothing wrong, why be ashamed, I'm Scottish, Greek & Irish
  17. Why would u b ashame of Germanic heritage shadow
  18. No I don't dvo, but I do have a problem with you being racist
  19. Just the fact that part of me shares the same nationality as that one evil man...that killed all those people.
  20. When was I being racist, I said I hate hitler and the Germans that supported him I never said anything about Germany as a whole or any that did not support