Tired of the complaints

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Moose2, Jun 13, 2012.

  1. Lol moose gots a point ,
  2. Exactly if u want war then war if nit then shut it...
  3. Willy ~ No, we cannot. ;)
  4. I think the only thing a noob like me could add is hey that MooseHead Beer is okay.
  5. I agree moose war has not left kaw if u look there are more wars then most thing they do go out to the public but they are here just ask.
  6. Yea you guys are each in a big one! :lol:
  7. In a sense you are right Moose. It is up to the players to either choose to war or not to war. But it is also the developers choice to provide mechanisms that make that a realistic choice. If the developers promote and market and sell products for their game based on the the name "Kingdoms at War" then they have a responsibility to implement rules and systems that reflect the name of the game so to speak.

    Its a two-pronged process and its too simplistic to say if you want more war then war. The mechanics must be in place to promote warring over other alternatives like eb's. If not then the developers have not provided what they have advertised. It takes the players and it takes the rules of the game together to achieve what you are asking for Moose. Players seeking war will be more inclined to war if the mechanics of the game make war more attractive.

    i currently have zero interest in sitting in a 48 hour system war and watching spies steal each other. Do I bear responsibility for that attitude. Sure I do, but so do the people who have put in place the rules and procedures that made that kinda of war possible and profitable.
  8. Isn't this thread a complaint?
    Argument invalid.
  9. -wil-. Best comment I have seen in a while. You are absolutely right. All rewards are found in PVE. If you don't EB you fall behind ... Not only do u not grow but you can't even get items. I'm not saying this is a solve all but at least level the playing field and make it where if you actually do war you have a chance to pick up items, mith, aqua, inferno. Maybe reward on hit counts....
  10. That's a horrible argument. Idk what the guy above me was thinking. I already forgot the other noobs name too. U want incentive for war? Like items and mith? What an idiot. Like moose said war isn't about UR profit. It's about ur ENEMIES destruction and his losses. Losers like u stick to ur eb and earn that golds. We need people like u to strip farm;)
  11. I haven't touched an EB in like 6 months!
  12. I'm running fast haunts as I type this. War strategy. Haha ebs suck but are a viable war strategy for $$ strip funds. Hate ebs but gotta gave gold to strip fools with
  13. Let's see which way gets more ppl to war. You screaming for them to destroy people or changing the game mechanics to make system wars more fun and enticing.
  14. Exactly^ if wars aren't fun people won't war. Simple as that.
  15. Honestly, of you

  16. I agree kaw is what u make of it I do ebs and war but only do eb because it's the only way to get equipment.
    I wish devs had not put mith up for sale but kept that for only ppl that took part in war and now I find they have put inferno up for sale this just encourages more ebs
    Dang this sounds like a complaint it's not just constructive observation lol