Tired of the complaints

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Moose2, Jun 13, 2012.

  1. I love the thoughtful posts that this thread is receiving. Even the players who disagree with the idea of item drops are posting well.

    As for buying the items, which has been suggested..... Mmmm....... I heed to think about that. Your post was persuasive.
  2. I think that's an awful idea, but that's just me
  3. Meh, I'm ambivalent.
  4. Well, I am going to complain about complaining.

    I don't understand why the players who have already HLBC are complaining. What more do you want? As Moose said, the game is how you make it. I, on the other hand have to play an endless game of catch up unlike the rest of you and hope another update isn't released that you all can easily obtain and as in 'easily' I mean all the time in the world, and those who are 'EB noobs' are just trying to get to a good enough war level to actually compete on your level. So again, thank you for the endless amount of entertainment you bring to me.


    Just an opinion.
  5. Yes, that is exactly how us lower people feel.

    And to explain my point of view about selling items.

    I mostly think it would be awful to add it now. That would be just like the Devs taking away resets and their bonuses and (going to) have the perm items drop from EBs. Like it has been said people waste a ton of time hunting for items, so I think it would make the game way too easy to be able to just buy them. Also, look at how wars were ruined, Mithril came out and then went up for sale and there are hardly any system wars at all. I think it would make the game too easy.

    That's my opinion.
  6. Actually warring isn't very fun anymore. It's become a pin-fest ever since the devs introduced the new pots and equipment. Hittin off bl can be fun though, but I wouldn't consider it warring.
  7. I'm ok with item drops in EB but to level the playing field they should have drops for the actual warriors. It's not like we are sitting on our asses. We are clicking the button just as fast and hard as the EB warrior.
  8. in the time it took me to write that I got hit by shadowkan and supratoy89 15 times!!! War on !!!!
  9. How many hits does it take to get to the center of a Moosey pop?

    Many. Im sure.

    I sure mods take thousands of hits per day - especially mods who are locking threads left and right. :lol:
  10. Willy:
    Yea. Lol. I'm currently in an OSW with iG, plus I receive incoming hits from players I've silenced/locked threads/warned, PLUS, I still moderate this app, which keeps me busy. So yea, I am selective about who I return fire on. Lol
  11. :lol: so true willy
  12. I have found that the more I moderate, the more hits I take. It doesn't bother me, however. An active news feed makes this game interesting for me. ;-)
  13. My news is active too, especially when i go on wc. Oh the agony of deleting the "hi"s and blocking all the people that follow me for no reason but to say hi. :evil:
  14. That's just because everyone loves you missbehave. Lol.
  15. Very well Mr.Moose :)
  16. Yay! She actually talked to me! Score! :D
  17. Moose won't tho :(
  18. Lulz. Doubtful. Always the small ones that post it.

    Then you have the "I like to missbehave too!" and "Will you please please oh pretty please follow me (insert kiss emojis)", the "nice name"s, and the various others that are not suitable for young readers.

    EDIT : I hate it, its very annoying when theyre so small i cant hit them, and when theyre big enough they tell their clan. "No valid reason to hit" is always on one of my walls. Unfortunately nobs dont drop often enough for me from quests :(
  19. Fact:
    miss B is Awesome
  20. Hi MissB!!! 

    I am behavior inadequate also!

    Canwebefriends? 