Tired of the complaints

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Moose2, Jun 13, 2012.

  1. ignore the rules
  2. Lol. Rules. Screw the rules, they are meant to be broken (unless its ToU).
  3. Here is an example of a war tactic for fighting a person who has more items then you... (this is just one of many)

    Fail Assassinate his/ her units. You get to burn a ton of def pots doing this. If your opponent is an eb noob, the loss of $$$ will drive then crazy. Do this for a few days until the person runs out of pots or asks for surrender. When they run put of pots, they are easier to hit.
    Again, it seems pretty easy, at least to me.
  4. Sorry if this has been said but I didn't want to read 7 pages.

    The real problem is people complain about all these "EB noobs", but many EB noobs are just doing EBs to grow to war size. Like Moose stated its hard to make a profit in war so you can't grow. And people who complain about no war it's not the games fault you can play however you want or just quit. Whiners are no fun and ******* annoying.

  5. I War/farm nonstop with all accts. As for gold it dies not matter that ot earns me less then ebs, it's expected. Only problem now is mith(i run out, have to nob), eb pots (the ones you get from destroyer, cod, fod etc) and the new eqiuipment (although it seems not that hard to get it and you can get most in a few weeks ebing here and there.

    So again biggest issue remains those eb pots. They make a huge difference, bigger then equipment, pro packs and reset bonuses imo (even if they shouldnt statistically). You run out of those pots quickly, get lityle from each eb, and so either fight at a disadvantage without them or spend a majority of your time ebing with the occasional war and farming.
  6. Yes, i know, a few spelling errors. (*does, *it, etc etc, if you can't see past them you're a moron)
  7. It kinda sounds like moose is COMPLAINING about complainers lol
  8. oh how our world goes round
  9. Agreed wisdom, they run fast. You need to be doing b2b FoD/SS/SR for weeks to amass an amount that is suitable for a short war, and even longer for an osw that can last for months if you wished. They're difficult to get, yet have such a big impact.

    1 advantage of eb'ing lots. You are very correct in saying that they are a problem and that to stay on an even playing field you need to do lots of eb's with occasional wars. Very very true.
  10. That's so true!
  11. I read about half of this and got bored, so I'd I say something already said excuse me for rehashing. I mostly agree with what your saying moose, but for those of us that aren't Item complete (yes there are ALOT of them that are item complete) at the HLBC level there are people I used to Be able to pound on that now I can't cuz they have better luck than I do. I'm not here to say items are dumb or enchanting is stupid or cry about drop volly, but in the intrest of fairness I think they should put items up for sale. Not cheap mind you. 150b for hooves? Fine. 300b for sword? No problem. At least it gives players an option. Grinding is grinding. If a player wants to do 500 haunts and buy an item rather than EB for 10 months with nothing to hold on to but chance, then why not at least offer it as an option?
  12. Good points. And to add on to what I said about people complaining about wars. Make your own wars or go join them or quit:

  13. Damn bbcode fail! One sec
  14. The disadvantages of EBs outweigh the advantages. This whole 'war size' argument is stupid...you can be any size to war. I've ONLY growed through war and farming...hit some OSF in very beginning, way before Pwars were even thought up. But my growth has all been thru combat which is why I can take on HLBC players and force them to surrender.

    Stats only matter a certain amount. Strategy, knowledge, and determination matter the most. Most people using EB to grow to HLBC have never lost everything and rebuilt...so they will be war runners and whiners. They don't know consequences and have only seen growth. The best way to play this game is war from the bottom up. The best players have played this way. LB means nothing these days.
  15. Moose you're a flippin hypocrite, you're always bringing farming back to you and saying how much you farm and terrorize, but you're a big ***** teddy bear. I've hit you under different names to see if you'd hit back. You wanna know how many returned hits I got? 0. You, sir, are an idiot, and a poser, and a waste of space. I've had it with you and your lies.
  17. People do what people do.

    Unfortunately, complaining is the cool thing to do these days. Now, I am not talking about "trolls" per se, because I thoroughly enjoy reading the odd things that are seen in forums.

    Like Moose, I'm talking about people who constantly piss and moan and cry about devs, mods, being silenced, game mechanics, etc.

    I don't mind dissecting a complaint, it's more when I see the same person spamming the forums because nobody responded to the first 28 threads posted about the same exact thing.


    Unwritten forum rule #2176: The more sad and pathetic the complaint, the more hate you shall receive.
  18. I'm mad?? Not really :)