Tired of the complaints

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Moose2, Jun 13, 2012.

  1. IGCB,

    HLBC players are the most dedicated. Whether that's by time or by money. Either way the devs want to meet their needs more than the lower stats players. Once your HLBC and have all your allies, what's next? If they didn't add the items and the mith and the enchantments, this game would get boring! Same reason halo and battlefield release map packs, to keep their long term players entertained with new goals. Smaller stat players just need to grow like the rest of us did without all these trinkets to look forward to. Yeah they can't get them yet, that just means you have to grow.

    Support for the expansion of kaw
    Great games evolve, not hold on to the past like its the holy ******* grail
  2. @Moose

    Feel free to look at most of the better/higher stat players. More players have your higher tier items than you think. Either way, enchanting only further their destruction on lower tier kingdoms that can't get those items.

    All I'm saying is there will be an increasingly amount of distance in wars between low stats and higher stats, tremendously.
  3. Yeah, too easy to get caught in a rage. Negative vibes, bringing me down. Bringing you down. Make love, not war...

    C'mon girl, lemme stand next to your fire.... First there is no mountain, then there is no mountain - then there is. (That's kinda like that EB where the monster suddenly springs back up again. Spooky).

    Make love, not war....

    Well, expect for those Warrior Cats guys. You gotta hate on them, ya dig?
  4. @-oOz-

    Spending 1,000's upon 1,000's weekly I don't really consider dedicated.
  5. Also, I've found more war happens at lower tiers than higher tiers. People usually have reasons like horrendous **** talking or strip farming a person for no reason.

    Higher tier wars happen over 1 hit/1 hired ally. Not saying it's bad to war like that, but, smaller stats seem to still have the concept of an older kaW.
  6. If you were the owner of a business you would
  7. You compare this to a business? Lol.
  8. Lower stat players also like to act big then get poo'd on by big players alts because they dont know the game yet. Higher stat players are always at war. Your always in forums, you see it to
  9. You think kaw isn't a business?!? Lmfao come on man
  10. Full support on me bra. Now if I can't stop nagging about other people making dumb threads. Lol I take my depression full out on forums if you haven't noticed.
  11. Ruli:
    EB is important for war, but it doesn't bother me so much. I will eb for a week, earn $100b and then sink it all into pots. Those pots last quite a while! Lol
  12. @Moose

    I couldn't have said it better myself.

  13. Agreed. Though I still want my Ach. Bonuses
  14. nice rant...

    I totaly agree on this one
  15. Here is my thoughts in farming/war

    Items and pots are important, sure. But the BEST farmers understand that the battle is won/lost on a psychological level. Demoralize or intimidate your opponent and you win. You don't need every item in KaW to do this.

    Getting hit doesn't really matter. Your troops and spies come back every hour, and you can bank your gold of you wish. It's all about psychological war fare..

    And don't talk to me about "perm farms" because they are like unicorns. (they don't exist)
  16. Most players already have items, some on their first try. Then castle bonuses, enchancements, Eb items etc. It's just too complicated, no one wants to spend an hour figuring out if he will be successful in his hits, especially not kids, teens or people who play to relax. So there's going to be a massive problem because you can't find a good target.

    But I think BULL to those that say this game has no war, look around people! All, if not most, of the war clans are in battle. Just this new common rule about no forums...
  17. Apoth,

    Yes, complicated. But the best way to see if you'll win is to just start whacking away. Takes mere seconds
  18. @Moose I agree, People have the options to do what they like. It's not like that they MUST do an eb. Hence that little button on everyone's profile called "attack" which you can tap if you're gettin bored.