Tips: Formula for volleying, plunders & allies bonus, etc...

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *Trex (01), May 16, 2010.

  1. Amaizing thanks
  2. Great guide. Thanks.

    I also read it in other guides that it is the Price of the allies that matters in Ally Plunder. I thought it was the stats of the allies. Now, it is all clear.
  3. So like if I have 4752000 as my max plunder and 3801600 as my max troop plunder (4752000 * 80%) and I get around 2 mil my first hit on a full spy. How much money in allies should I have? cuz I've been getting the wrong answers... I know its wrong cuz its saying I only need 600m.
  4. Great guide, if only I read this a day earlier. X.x
  5. So you're making ~2 mil on your first hit, you're getting ~42% potential (2mil/4.7mil). Using the formula:

    4752000 / 0.4% / 42% = 2,828,571,428, that's a 2.8 bill in total allies you needed to max out your allies bonus reward.
  6. Has anyone done the math for the following -

    how high do you have to volley an ally to be able to drop then and still have the same amount of gold to when you started the volley? ( there being only 2 people and the ally in the volley)
  7. There is no amount that will let you break even by volleying then dropping the ally. You only make a small amount per sale, yet you lose 60% of the last purchase price if you drop them, or they reset!
  8. Why dont I get volleyed anymore? 
  9. Now i understand:)
  10. Good job and hard work Trex
  11. Just thought i would ask . My allie is ment to be giving me a max plunder of 1mill . Im only getting 800k and im attack people twice my size please help :?
  12. how do i make easy money.
  13. Wow Fantastic, I found out quite abit from that :) Thank You very much :)
  15. How du u decrease ur hiring price
  16. @@@ volley me please @@@@
  17. You get 1.58% when someone buys your Allie, not 1.6%