Time to get on Time

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by GiGGIeSs, Oct 17, 2013.

  1. Support.
    I feel this would help coordinate events and such.
    And who wouldn't want a pretty clock?
  2. Support
    Would greatly help out the community with one universal clock. Devs always mt tz listed but it would be great if everyone else got it as well

    -HAX0R out
  3. Might as well throw in an update/war countdown.
  4. A KaW clock would more efficiently drove the PvP aspect of KaW, which is a win for everyone, as its the player interaction that makes this game so good
  5. Not everyone likes pvp moose. I farmed the girl on my wall till she hit back.
  6. I mean that by if she hit me back instead of being a punching bag i would grant her a cf. She did and I was proud to see a eb fairy engage in pvp
  7. Thank you moose for keeping this clean as possible. And thank you for support to everyone. Think this could be a real good feature!
  8. I support this idea because I spend about 10-20 minutes trying to remember how to get the war times to mine xD support for 1 time zone

    KaW Time Zone
  9. I support the idea because I think its a good one. I would simple refer to the clock as "KaW time"

    Anyhow, you did really great work managing the GUI in your photoshop
  10. Can we set KaW clock to 12:00 KaW Time = 2:37 A.M. EST?
  11. Nah. The sun rises and sets in Vancouver lol
  12. This has been thrown at the devs before. Literally forced them to acknowledge the proposal. Literally...KaW World Clock

    Their reasoning behind not implementing it is because "it would cause too much data usage by having to constantly update itself".

    I call rubbish. I can't see how they can't justify something everyone wants because it "forces excess data usage". Yet that damn wc is always on, always moving quickly, having to be constantly updated, and using my data as it is. Using a lot more data than a KaW World Clock could ever possibly use.

    All in all I think it would be a great addition, but if you can't figure a way to tack a charge $$$ onto it, I highly doubt it will ever see your UI
  13. This would be great as a base time for all players in KaW. Virtually speaking, we're all in the same location when playing the game (on the phone/PC), so times could be expressed via a universal point. But then there's the issue of days. Australia is very advanced in time compared to a country like USA. How would days be expressed when the war times are addressed?

    Maybe KaW would have to create a whole new calendar just to be universal and compatible for everyone.
  14. @moose. Saying "support" is forbidden? Thats one of the top 10 stupidest things i have ever heard. At least i have something new to laugh about.
  15. SUPPORT i hate going checking my clock trying to figure out the time a kaw clock at the top of te screen is very helpful this is why i give support
  16. Take up all the ideas posted on this thread, make a second version, send it out to the community again, and then if it's wholly supported then put it up in the Ideas section
  17. you did not read carefully. Saying "support" and offering no reason is forbidden in the information and featured ideas forum. Its totally worthless but allowable outside of that specific forum

    Devs want thoughtful discussion and an exchange of ideas. If they log in and see a thread with 100 people saying "support!" It holds little meaning. Especially because tens of thousands of people play the game. 100 supports against tens of thousands of players is as useful as a fart in the wind, and it will be treated as such in that forum.

    Exchange ideas or don't post.
  18. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  19. Lol Fart in the Wind!