Time to do our bit

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by spookyrobbie, Nov 16, 2014.

  1. Support
    Yes it does makes one a better person. Boasting about it is a different issue but being recognized for doing something good is the purpose of being awarded a badge.
    Truly those who do such acts without any recognition are heroes but heroes are few and I as a common person would prefer some recognition to be motivated to do such acts over an again in future. :)
  2. Full support whenever we can help the sick and poor it's great! Nice one spook!!
  3. Can't donate and expect nothing in return eh?

    No Support.
  4. I got Ebola once.

    Good times 
  5. And you didn't shared :-(
  6. No support how many times will he promote his song in the disguise of charity I am personally sick of his song. Nb he is not Sir.... He is Irish and is not a Sir..
  7. I really don't care if people support the idea or not, although I do find it rather callous and ignorant by simply stating no support.

    The fact is this disease is anti human as a loved one can't touch and say goodbye in there dying moments is truly awful.

    ATA has done it before with the tusami etc and this is another great cause that will come knocking in our door if we don't do something about it.
  8. The fact is that if these singers all want the accolade of being part of a charitable thing when realistically they can afford to donate a lot more than the general public can but instead choose to donate a small bit if their time.

    Probably the cost of their air fares alone would've made some kind of impact.

    I seen to remember one direction refusing to do a charity gig because they wouldn't get paid for it but I guess they perceive that this time they will get more recognition.
  9. You should probably on get the achievement badge if you actually had Ebola or got quarantined.. Like a level 1 or level 2 thing
  10. Everybody email medical certificates to the devs :p
  11. I was pissed drunk last weekend and twisted my Ankle falling down some stairs. Can the devs send me some money and make a badge for me?
  12. I also think I got a case of the crabs. Any badge for that?
  13. I deserve a hemorrhoid achievement
  14. I'm just really really curious why people care about achievements and badges .....

    Can someone explain
  15. Hemorrhoid achievement is something I can get behind .

  16. No support.

    Ebola programs already have 6.5 billion dollars pledged to them from the US tax payers, and no one will be tracking the money. This is yet another money sink to prop up drug companies, whom are now using Doctors Without Borders as their "testing facility".