Time for Round to become extinct?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by War-Kage, Mar 3, 2015.

  1. We have 2 situations that affected clans from warrirng, first is size of roster.. Went from 11 to 20, then 15, size of roster is hard to fill in such less time. Second they Kill TVP.. A lot of haters, Kill the only oportunity to have fun in wars and to do EB that pays MiTh. This happen before S3 started...

    The Forsaken Forstress was a War/TVP clan and WE never back down those days... I remenber when WE match Silver and got cream by their powerfull SH back then Lol. They felt Like pirahanas on me back then i was around the 10mcs Total hibryd
  2. Six months past time to eliminate round

    And if all the people who complained about getting rid of it warred round obv I'd say keep It

    But it has become a waste of war space
  3. Naaah

    2 situations that killed Round Wars is no participation n no participation.
    2 solutions r put in a war ppl participate in n put in a war that ppl participate in.
  4. Nobody participates in round war because there's no point in fighting a war you can't win.
    Stacked clans win every time.
    Example: RH
  5. Where r those clan stackers? 
  6. Bfe won't work either. Drop builds will be like ssh. Doesnt add up
  7.  My butt still hurts from last year war with SilVer ... Damm Litle SH,
  8. I like the ideas on page 6 - variety wars would make things interesting.
    Instead of scrapping round wars, evolve them.
  9. What sylver fails to mention (a few pages back) is that when a hansel pins it's troops it essentially can't be plundered at all.

    While it generates massive plunder

    Therefore making it worse than sh imo

    No one was jealous about sh rosters, no one is jealous about ps1 rosters

    We are pissed at them
  10. Don't like round/primal then do Iwar.stop whining 
  11. Again? Round wars need to get more and better slots. Isn't primal wars doing the same as round wars with their stacking? 3 primal wars on sunday, cmon! If Round wars are going to be eliminated then Primals should also! If ppl want and like primals, then there should be Individual style only, this way clans stacking is eliminated.
  12. Round Wars exist on their own merit as do Primal n IWar. If any format is dead in the water then sink it. Replace with any war that gets participation
    Clans like Primals n ppl like IWar.
    Anyone liking Round War should show up.

    Yes clan wars use stacking.
    Clans also choose total cs range for Primal.
    Both make sense for every clan that rosters for any type of clan war format. If ppl think throw any 15 kingdoms together n go war is all their is to it n all wars r good match ups ought not war.

    Whats so difficult that clans choose which builds they want for war? No probs for me i war if i can n a clan wants me. Every Round/Primal war coming up has ppl in wc wanting to join. Some clans recruit from wc. As for Round War its more than rare if anyone in wc looking to join gets an invite.
  13. Agree with fb,war which one you like.no one forcing any one to choose one over other which war you can do n not.
    I give up on both round/primal,reason bcz round many top lb want in and only few clan doing it.same in primal very limited space for tank just like lb in round.
    I am happy with Iwar and try to do as many i can when I am free.you all whiner about both round/primal need to stop whining.if you love to war then you have option.iwar and no need to bag for spot in war.
  14. Yes PJ it is hard for most Tanks to get in a Primal clan. Us Tanks usually have 4-5 roster spots to the 10-11 Hansels spots to compete for. Thats a clans prerogative n the way it is for most Primal rosters.

    Would be nice if a newer clan war format was introduced that favoured tanks n mirrored Primal rosters to balance it all out. Others had ideas to alter Primal instead. Either way is a possible tweak.
  15. I don't spend money on the game besides to buy crystals for war. So it is difficult to compete with LB players in round wars. So I stopped doing them. BFA is still used in non-round wars; do the indi wars.

    Besides the fun of doing wars, devs need to provide incentive for more people to participate:
    Equipment (the reason why people participate in the Season wars)
    Mithril (the mith payout is a joke; this needs to be increased)
    Gold (there's no gold incentive for warring; you lose gold (pots) by doing wars and not EB's)
    EE level (this is the gold incentive)
    Crystals (crystals cost money. people who can't afford to buy them, won't war)

    I only do wars to keep my EE level from expiring (every 2 weeks), because between seasons, there is no other incentive. Even EE L1 is better than nothing. Indi wars are a coin toss. You have just as much risk to lose your EE level as gaining one.

    If you want people to war more often, then let the EE level expire every 2 or 3 days, 1 level at a time.
    And make it so you don't lose EE levels for warring and losing the war. People will war all the time to keep EE levels; just like people do the plunderless and painful EB's for the Blood Rains bonus.
  16. Don't assume ppl use xtals for war n yet they still will war. Also appears u spend nada.

    Atm 5 Primal wars in progress
  17. If participation was high, no one would deny that Round wars should stay, and choice is a great thing

    unfortunately participation is extremely low and it is higher in other types of wars

    And nail hit on head about primal wars , s4 we used 50/50 spy builds/tanks - rosters of all sizes , but people can help pushing rosters to extremes (mainly hansels) and match ups pretty awful so they are going the same way too. Can honestly see it being 100% indie wars by s5
  18. Lol , i'd agree with Vix this time, take out round and take out primal wars also, leaving individual wars only for S5.
  19. Cast all your accounts at every indi wars season5. Just make sure to make 1 action every war to win the easy rewards.
    You dont even need to wor on your buildings/stats.
    this is indi wars that favors to those lazy noobs.