Time for Round to become extinct?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by War-Kage, Mar 3, 2015.

  1. Eaglesword you are actually wrong, Battlegrounds and Silver both beat Sylvers war clans a fair amount of times, so much so that its really best team on the day can take home the win, and both Silver and Battlegrounds have 95% troop and hybrid builds. So I guess your stacking comment is moot.
  2. That ko multiplier idea sounds really good...that would really leave most EE wars competitive til the very end...most team coming up in last few min..other team down by 10bill..if other team cant sko that could prove deadly
  3. Round War issue is obviously about the exploits n low participation.

    What say keep Round war as a 3rd option but improve it drastically once n for all.


    Can we revisit ideas from other posters
    POST here THX
  4. I'll try n go 1st........my ideas

    - Tiered cs eg:
    0-200m cs
    201-350m cs
    351m+ cs
    - differential of 20m cs high/low ALL tiers

    General numbers..feel free to change
  5. If u really want chaos, and to end stacking to a degree, make clans roster for either primal or round without knowing beforehand. At match, u get a clan to fight, and a either round or primal 50% chance of either. It would be a headache to roster, but would be interesting.
  6. Eaglesword you are someone who fails at war and our jealous cause of our success. Now you asked what was different, hansels pay 40-60 m a hit in primals sh pay less then 1 mil but make 100m or so per hit. There is no top ten lb in my rosters which renders any tank a leak against all sh lb rosters. If you knew anything about wars you would never make such a statement. Now keep your off topic remarks off of kages thread it's disrespectful.
  7. Kage - there have being countless threads on ideas many good as you can see most players agree the threads just get buried. When I say polishing a turd I'm not saying that a close match isn't exciting I'm saying the devs just have no idea how to fix it. IMF suggested simple adjustment to mechs which could help fix blow outs but and that would be a quick fix but still doesn't fix many issues with other parts. Some have suggested a tiered system with minimum and maximum stats - this is the fairest but many argue that there isn't enough participation, however if we look at season 1 there is hope. If we fix the system many will return so the incentive would have to be large eg spyglasses chests etc this coupled with a system that allows clans to sign up in tiers with all others who can't find a clan to be placed in a clan generated by the computer as is done for Indis will work. If the system worked then wouldn't need round, indi or primal as it would be fair. Take away portability of ee etc blah blah if you search threads there are many brilliant ideas but as usual devs ignore because they want to do as little work as possible to solve the problems and accuse the players of doing this  they set the system the players adapted it to there best advantage and kudos to them but in reality if devs got it right in the first place this wouldn't have happened. For a while we had devs in charge that had no understanding of the game - there was a reason most equipment was percentage based  we all saw it coming and emailed them but welcome gh/sh. If participation is the only reason not to have tiers make the rewards so good that people will - make ee non transportable make it last three days, award spyglasses ( last land on abyss is about 3t) chests etc.
  8. Just want to get this out there: Syl, congrats on having such a success war career; however, I am in no way jealous of u or the successes of your clans. Also the part about failing at war, u don't know me
  9. A couple threads back (maybe one two months ago) i recommended a similar idea
    I also thought of a Capture the flag mode sort of war where bpth sides would have fight to hold a randomly spawning spell, this spell could have an effect or just be a placeholder, the side with the spell on one of their players would attempt to KO the opponents before they KO their player who has the spell whichever player KO's the player with the spell gains the spell themselves and has to fight off the opposition
    Instead of having a plunder count this war type could have maybe a point system thrown in for minutes holding the spell
    and the way the spell will enter the war would be like how the Fortuna Blade spell spawned by attacking other players

    Also i cant start threads on my device so if someone would be kind enough to post ideas of these new war types and such in a new thread so more people can see and maye add onto it

    Also to note to OP
    I havent witnessed myself of round war participants because i have never been in one every time i tried no clan would let me in because of build specification
    I do not support the removal of the war
    I believe it should be set to maybe 1-5 times a week
    due to its lack of popularity
    But the devs dont want to lose some of their playerbase by cutting out that war
    At least how i see it
    But bringing in new war types is always good and this variations idea can be built on
    (Support in limiting Round war, then replacing with other war types whether new or not)
  10. Sylv, Not to be hating on you or anything but I think you just wanna get rid of round wars because that's the only war type besides indi that you lose in. Anyway I do support to getting rid of sh.
  11. Support
    Bfa and BFE still good in Indis - lb and SH can still be good builds here
  12. I like Sav's idea! Build your roster and get a random war type back. 
  13. Mismatches and No matches have always been the concern for EE wars be it Pwars or Rwars. A 20mil cs gap in Pwar is already a disadvantage and we had seen matches with gap of > 100mil CS.

    My suggestion is to keep Rwar but improve the EE system.

    2 things that may improve the EE wars are;

    1. Bracket/Tier match-up based on Overall strength. (Applies to Pwar too)
    - ex. 500mil Overall Strength tier will match clans within 500 - 599mil overall strength.
    - Naturally clan will stack closer to the top range. Eventually matches will be closer in term of overall strength.

    2. Payout plunder should be capped within 100mil gap from the strongest to the weakest.
    - ex. Based on Rwar: Redstar payout - 200mil, while a statless acct payout - 100mil.
    - this will diminished the advantage of LB/SH rostering.

    With the above two points in place, regardless of builds, strength (BFA/BFE/CS), war type, etc, everyone can have a more competitive clan wars.

    Just my 2cent worth. Happy Kawing :)
  14. Thats a poor sports attitude putting words in someones mouth. Sylver puts a lot of time n effort into Primal wars n also entered round wars. Sylv luvs EE war n is concerned about all the formats. Many ppl r for that matter.

    Round Wars r suffering n either nerf them or fix them.
  15. I disagree. There are usually 4-8 clans that sign up for round wars and most of the time we get matched up, although admittedly the matches are usually unfair. Just because round wars do not suit your build doesn't mean other people don't enjoy them. I also disagree with how you don't count bfa as part of a build; bfa costs gold just as buildings do, and is actually far more expensive to build up than raw stats. In my opinion SH aren't an 'exploit' per se, they are a strategy used by those who know how to use them effectively to get a good match up.

    I have thought of a possible fix for the problem that is lack of participation in clan wars (don't hate, this is in beta) - Individual Wars get a HUGE turnout, we all know this. The devs could allow people to cast WOC and leave clan the same way they do for Indy at round and primal war times and get matches against both other 'random clans' and clans that have rostered themselves. This would allow those whom do want to war as a clan but get no matches to war more and give those who can't get enough members casted/can't get into a clan that can get enough members casted more opportunities to war.

    Problems with that are:
    - The self-rostered (casted inside a clan with 15 members casted and signed up to war as a clan) clans will obviously have a slight* advantage
    - If there are not an even number of people casted, it could lead to a 15 man self-rostered clan against a 14 man randomly put together clan, which would in no way be fair.

    *Probably more than a slight advantage, in all honesty.
  16. As long as they throw a top 10 LB in? Ahem, go check his clan's history, we have won without top 10 LB and I have outplundered a top 10 LB 
  17. Devs could of tinkered with round n made them fair for all, but don't seem interested. I suppose events bring in more cheese
  18. That's because every war you have spyke or Gerald and they are lb

    EDIT: You guys also have Kyle2006 (lb Ssh). All the wars you won you had either Kyle2006, ---Spyke---, or Gerald in the roster, they are Ssh lb. Also other times you had silph, firebird, and adamthorne all top 50 lb. If your wondering where I'm seeing all this, it's in history of the clan pvp beasts
  19. Any chance the devs can post a timeline for S5 or any other upcoming war system for that matter? Thx

    PS: no Round wars occurred last slot n yet SGT has no wars for their TZ still.