Time for Round to become extinct?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by War-Kage, Mar 3, 2015.

  1. I think its pretty obvious why. My clan is one of the few who tries to still do round wars without sh lb rosters. It isnt impossible to beat, but with so few wanting to do these wars it makes it pretty dang close to impossible. The wars are not fun, the participation is low, and the slots could be better used if they were primal or indi. Thx for making this thread kage.
  2. Wait till S5 all the shs will come back as they too busy building Bfa like they always do  everyone tries to war every war.
  3. Support because you tried. I have seen the upcoming wars and troy and his Ssh/lb roster reks everybody's clan aslong as they throw a top 10 lb in. One clan actually beat troy with a top 20 lb and sh/Ssh

  4. Guess what? Have bfa (for the moment anyway lol) that doesnt get used in primal wars too. Ut I have been ever adapting my build to suit what the newest season required, have always been a hansel but made changes to be best hansel I could. Round wars are dead very little participation, so why should they stick around? All that bfa is useless in ee if you dont get matched but bfa still useful in real war (osw). Devs please do us all a facor and give round wars the coup de grace.
  5. Ee wars just need a total revamp with totally new rewards with totally new objectieves. A way someone can benefit in, not something they need to cripple themselves with. Ee lvl and mith gear is nice but not enough
  6. Wow, removal of round wars? So the amount of gold spent on building bfa just go to the drain? It's not just about that, selling allies to upgrade? I don't even think if I sell ALL my allies, I would be able to unlock ALL abyss land. The only way for SH is to be a ps, nothing else, because we can't even BC base on the new lands/buildings, more will keep coming out. So in what way can we BC? I think the amount of gold required for us SH to bc, takes 1 year over. So you expecting ee fans to quit and isolate for 1 year? SH can convert to ps easily like I said, the only way for us to be build ready for season, but how many would want to be a ps, well I probably don't know, so the removal of round wars - No Support 
  7. You shouldn't of dropped builds than?
  8. Keeping Round War around when nobody participates makes no sense. SH have no complaints whatsoever there is Primal n IWar.
    Either that or a start a Round war clan n make it popular n worthy. Round war is not an excuse to not grow as many forget to mention n claim aaah whats all this BFA good for then. Sell allies like many ppl do n ug. No one forced anyone to be an SH n amass BFA.
  9. Kid just leave because sh is long gone. Your just mad because if round wars leave then you will lose your precious EE and all hope of getting top 100 in s5
  10. Support nerf the round wars 
  11. Support
  12. I support your support.
  13. No support not enough effort
  14. You don't war, post is invalid
  15. Gaaaay, take away round wars and u only have 2 types of war. That's boring as ****. If u take away of nerf round u will have to come up with a new type of war. Ebs suck
  16. No then u just add more primal/indi wars... Which more people will participate in..
  17. I'm good with taking away bfa but as to bfe no. You should be able to use the equipment u have made from war to war and bfe is not as out hand as bfa can be
  18. How about BFA being valued higher? As of now BFA = to Stats....while bfa is static stats are not surely every 1mil bfa stats should match for say 3mil real stats, so Ssh match way higher and are viewed as much stronger instead of weak, and also make them pay more!
  19. Get rid of round wars, add an aussie time slot. There is way more demand for that then Round wars