Discussion in 'Strategy' started by IVANDER2, Oct 27, 2012.

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  1. So tempting to drop my build and strip farm the OP.
  2. I have no any idea whatmade all of you hate me so much! anyways, what OP means??
  3. Original poster. And we hate you because you're a liar and quite annoying too.
  4. If I were you OP, is be more worried about T2.
  5. ok i will confess that I can't hire chongo_hombre and i said that i BELIEVE thatT6 will come out!! i didnt say it WILL come out. but i believed it will :) :)
  6. well someday they will
  7. Doesn't seem like a heartfelt apology to ne
  8. SORRY EVERYONE for my mistakes if i didmake you angry. :(
  9. Are you really sorry? Prove it to us then
  10. i did say sorry, what do you want from me 
  11. Anybody can type the word sorry. But to actually mean it is an entirely different story
  12. what can I do to make you prove that I am very sorry.
  13. That is for you to learn. It's all part of the experience
  14. ok i hear you.
  15. anyways, what PIMD means?
  16. PIMD stands for, "Party in My Dorm"

    It's another, A Thinking Ape, INC. Game
  17. cool!! is pimd nice?
  18. No. It's full of Pervs, Sexual Predators, and Weirdos. I used to play PIMD...
  19. If we hire chongo_hombre and Crimsomstar, how many allies bonus per attack in EB do we get?? or maybe hire the 200th top most valuable allies
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