Tier 5 Released!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Aug 9, 2012.

  1. You know a way you noobs can catch up to me fairly? Play as much as I have!!! You guys already have it waaaaay easy with eb's. Now devs are giving you half priced t4s. I want compensation for the prices as well as the time put into building them in xtals. New players will be getting t4s twice as fast as b4 and they'll be raising their plunder twice as fast as b4 too. Figure it out devs.
  2. Also Be sure and let us know if the sell price of T4 is going to drop... on the 16th!! That is HUGE IMPORTATNT!!! :!: :!: :!:
  3. Shut up with the SOS questions yes it will include them as they are considered T4. I'm more concerned about people getting T4 for half price that's a freaking joke.
  4. finally you released them:) but i'm wondering why you don't just release the whole package...
  5. Wait so not only do you continually screw over the old players of this game but wait for it your dropping the price of t4 lol. You guys couldn't **** us any harder could you. Bet your ass a refund for t4 thread gets posted by me now. I want a refund for all 49 buildings i wont even complain about all the changes made to the build over the year but ffs at least give refunds for the 49 others. Hey if your looking for more ideas on how to **** us in our ass take back our pro packs let everyone have 550 allies regardless if they did resets. That should work.

  6. They need to refund players that already spent the full price of T4, and T5 needs to be available on all lands. My alt has 24 T3 on lowlands and 14 L3 T4 on highlands. That's not fair in the least.
  7. So we will get the 300B refund on all our hard work now that the little guys get T4 half price :(  right devs!?!?!?
  8. People growing faster from cheap t4s is the only thing that's going to save the ally market from complete collapse, so be careful what you wish for. Things change, deal with it.
  9. They could change it so u can't build T5 on LL until ur HL are all bought but still build T5 on HL as u unlock them... I'd be cool with that
  10. T5 in highlands only really screws over attack builds badly and helps hansels alot there's very very many reasons why.....now for an attack build what do u do???? do u build for system wars ?? Or for OSW either way with the low lands locked to t5 you lose only winners in this case are the hansels...and this post did not mention pricing or stats if ur gonna make us wait for it at least give us all of this info all the way to level 3 so we know what to start building and where to build it...as in would it be better to build 2 towers on lowlands or 1 on highland we need to know how final stats compare in order to determine which builds are going to help us....if u don't see the mistake of having lowlands locked look again still can't find it ask me I'll give u 1001 reasons
  11. ༺ÅLPHÅ༻This is CRAP not going to compensate is BULL I expected better Devs.༺ÅLPHÅ༻
  12. This Is awesome thx devs now I can get better in half the time I thought I would thx again
  13. How bout u unlock the lowlands for players that already have all there lands ??? Nice fix
  14. Also I'm not a noob I've been playing since May so don't you guys dare call me a noob. This is good because now people can catch up to each other
  15. What does that mean for selling buildings that are tier 4 next Thursday? You get 50% less gold back too?
  16. That's fine I can build these in the highlands only, but why can't I still build a stable in the highlands.....and why wasn't stables 1st option for T5
  17. When will tier 4 be halved in price?
  18. They never said that they weren't going to compensate.
  19. KaW admin are you high?
  20. this is so not fair to old players!