Tier 5 Level 4 Attack Buildings Now Available

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Aug 22, 2014.

  1. thanks devs for a nice new build. cant wait for the new land :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
  2. @kaw_community you have 28 pages of mostly no sypport/ anger here. Why have you not responded? Your job is to communicate with the kaw community. But yet your ignoring everybody because your not getting praised? How many pages does the community need to fill before you answer even a single 1 of them?
    As for myself its no support. Your just causing hyperinflation in this game now. That is why you released hte, then plunder promos. Before long 1t will be the equivalent of what 10b is now. Just ease off trying to fill your pockets for long enough to listen to the people who actually play your game
  3. ATA/KAW, this is a sincere request. Please lower those upgrade prices. HF 150 bil upgrade has better stats than lvl 4 HL, I believe. Either keep the upgrade price at its present level and up the stats, or lower the price. TY.
  4. New upgrades , new pots should be out soon again
  5. Support to what Vix said awesome idea.
    And their troops should be space monkeys

  6. Sweet new upgrades cheers devs good work. And they look snazzy.

    Ah your always going to have the whinners in the forums its funny hahaha
  7. I really hope tier 7 will be placed on lowlands cuz they are pitiful next to all HL and HF
  8. Anyone know which is really better. T5 lvl 4 or T6 Lvl 2
  9. I guess kaw community isn't much into communication
  10. No support
  11. Come on devs let us change our builds for free
  12. So now all we need is a Castle Upgrade lvl 4. That thing looks lousy with all these big buildings now. The Devs ignored it since day 1. My castle needs to be strong.

  13. Watch them make Vol lvl 4 badass to make up for the attck builds being way bigger than spies.

    Thats the only way I see them coming out of this with much less hate.
  14. Hurray? im not sure what to think of this to be honest.
  15. #Volary4GodBuilding

    All hail the aperion spy
  16. Alerion* but aperion works too 
  17. They will discount lvl 4 after s4 and wont give ppl refunds.
  18. Jeez I just can't wait for T4 lvl 4's to come out 
  19. Then we can hear everyone who just llbc complain hahahahahaaaa
  20. This is bulllshhiiit, what about spydef and def tower??