Tier 4 price drop was too early!!

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Sintas-Vel, Aug 18, 2012.

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  1. devs need to just compensate Sin, or any others providing they have ss of sale prior to midnite, simple as that...................... go Sin
  2. Srry you got screwed by the devs piz but I think all that bought T4 at full price did too...
  3. dev once again prove they can post one thing and do whatever they want they are all a punch of greedy fuckers and people will eventually just quit this stupid game I know I am close - sick and tired of the ****
  4. Why did I read this thread of butthurt...
  5. I'm guessing it's the fact that you have no life troll
  6. Ever check of your clock was 5 mins too fast 
  7. Did you consider that the time on the device might be 5 min fast????????
  8.  sorry I forgot technology is ALWAYS right and the Internet is all true
  9. I love how people complain about the price drop. But I say be lucky you got the price drop, unlike the rest of us who had to pay full price.
  10. If her clock was 5min fast then she got screwed over 10mins before instead of 5mins, congratz you can't do simple math, look like fast food restruants won't be hiring you, better stick with that living off of parents deal
  11. Looks like a made a mistake ... Mean late 

    And damn I can't work at McDonald's no more what a shame
  12. Was having a bad day, but reading all the ignorant, poorly written posts arguing my point has made me laugh uncontrollably  thanks for the funnies - all of you sucking the devs 
  13. Lmao piz you're so bad  and yet that post is soooo true
  14. ... That's weird we got the same point of view. except I still think your a total nub for whining on how the release was 5 mins early and u want more fake money 
  15. so your whining over 5 min?
  16. Many smart players sold their T4 right before the price drop to upgrade to lvl 2 immediately and not have a stat drop. Although I was not among these players, I believe they deserve compensation for a developer mistake, not theirs.
  17. Maybe 5 minutes was too late, but 15 minutes in advance? Those people should be compensated.
  18. 15 or 5 doesn't make a difference. Bottom line: devs timeframes are not accurate so can't depend on them!!
  19. I'm playing the worlds smallest violin for u. U shouldn't of procrastinated to the last minute to sell them. Why didnt u sell them a day or two before. I mean they gave u a whole week notice, and u waited five minutes Prior. I don't feel sorry for u at all. I think it's funny. And that's what u get for procrastinating. Next time don't wait til the last minute.
  20. All of you are wondering why he waited to the last minute and are against him. I didn't make any moves at all to take advantage of the discount but I totally see his point. If he sells sooner he does not get to buy anything until the discount becomes effective. So if you sell your buildings a day early you can't buy until the next day .. That means you won't be getting as much money from attacks and therefore a whole day is wasted ... In his case I would continue making max plunder until last minute and then drop and buy at the last minute. Unfortunately it did not work because of technical things but I do see why he did why he waited till the last minute to drop.

    If I off on something then SR of you I sure will enlighten me :0)
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