@vice Again. Ur complaint was comparing leaderboard. U did not have specifics. My point is that leaderboard ranking is irrelevant. What was the CS difference in that war? What was BFA or BFE difference. Stating a war is unfair because they r higher in leaderboard does not prove anything. As i stated before. Not all 100 members war. Only 26-29. Your missing my point. And my reply really has facts. Our opponent was 75 mil ca higher than us. I don't mind taking on hard match ups. These r test wars. My concern is that the kaw admin said this was our best matchup in weeks. 75 mill CS disadvantage (see i am posting an actual fact) I don't believe is a good matchup.
Grr devs 1 no match is 1 thing, but 2 b2b??? Devs u should make a note of the clans that got a no match the previous war and make sure it dont happen agian....come on devs if were odd man out agian why couldnt it have been another clan -.-‘ we already had our turn at bein odd man out.