Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Jul 18, 2013.

  1. In my opinion the 10min ko without the advantage or random is the best, good job on making this wars today devs :)
  2. Hey, thanks for skipping the questions of the war between tgia reborn and devastation ;)

    Not taking anything away from devistation but still wanting to know how we matched such a clan out of our bracket within your parameters. Hopefully it was an 'algorithm' glitch 
  3. If BFE is really a problem, i suggest all warriors to strip their equipment for the war, this will not give any more BFE problem. This will allow actual build vs build and tactic vs tactic, also how active the member is. Those that hv no mithril to buy the mith equipment also can join war as no more equipment is needed in war. It also will attract more ppl to war.
  4. Devs what is the current threshold for a match? In an earlir post you stated it was 75% and would be adjusted in time. Has the threshold changed at all or is it still 75%?
  5. Yea no way to over come 75 mill cs disadvantage. Please answer Cals question. And Use this as part of ur epic fail test. Lol.
  6. In the war this morning you had a much worse matchup. Based on the results of the war it was much closer than this morning and all the other wars you had over last weekend except one.
  7. Wow... Just got destroyed but it was a good war much respect to the other clan. Last weekend it seems most of the clans we were matched with seemed weaker and today much stronger. The ee wars the weekend before last were the best matchups yet to date. It seemed more balanced. Plus the dtw/dts is still annoying :3

    Bean out
  8. Ok I'm asking how can I get hit in war by the other teams top 4 but I can't hit back are you all fixing that problem ???
  9. I would have to say so far your test matching isn't very good. Every clan fighting towards the top of the LB isn't even close matches. You have to weigh LB players higher than you are. Its allowing total mismatches so what if the hit ratio % is good if you can't hit them due to BFA this your hit ratio is worthless. Failed action isn't a hit come on devs keep trying but you are going to lose alot of the clans that kept this season alive with your matching. Oh also get rid of the numbers 26-29 just make it one number evenly cause numbers can truly mess up a matchup especially when you are giving the clans that are bigger the numbers.
  10. Based on the results? What kind of lame reply is that seriously?

    I've always posted my concerns both positive and negative matches of wars I've actually been in, which war 1 I wasn't in, thanks though. I appreciate the snarky response when all I wanted were maybe a few reasons why we matched a bigger clan, as I've always asked why we've matched way weaker ones. Take your snark elsewhere , Ty.
  11. Devs: any possible way u can have the clans vote for regen times? Either have them vote or have two types u can sign up for. You can tell by sign ups which is more liked by clans. IMO the random takes the fun out of war. Or shorten the random/advantage times to 1-2 minutes.
  12. Too jaws response to cal.

    Really devs. This morning we were plus 20 mill in cs.

    War 2 they had plus 75 mill cs on us.

    CS is king. R u saying war 2 opponent had no bfa and BFe. Because I eye balled that's and they were equal if not better.

    Ur analysis is bad if u think being down 75 mill ca is better than being plus 20 mill cs.

    Yes we did win last week vs a clan that had 60 mill cs more. But that was a one hr war with advantage. I do think we had a better chance if the war was one hr with advantage.
  13. By the way thanks for my xtals back :3
  14. Please excuse grammar and typing above. I suck at typing on iPad
  15. Just finished the closest war I ever been in with EE against acoustic sunrise..they beat us by only 13 mill hats off to the players in that clan..every hit counts for sure
  16. I have a suggestion to improve war for the losing side. Get rid of vanquished paladins eb for losses. Instead pay out a percentage of mith that the losers would have received had they won their war.

    I can see multiple advantages to this system. Firstly, it ensures that people will try their hardest at war. Secondly, it allows the non combatants on the losing side to start hitting eb sooner after a war.

    Conditionally, if the percentage is high enough - say 20-40% - You may find additional benefits such as more clans may decide to war. Also given enough war, an individual may be able to purchase some mith equipment if they war and perform well enough.
  17. My only concern is there had to be better clans for both of us to match against. 75mill cs is approx 2.5 mill cs per member. Imo that's really high. And if your curious i would be here posting if it was the other way as well.
  18. Why give mith to the losers? This is not a "participation medal goes to everyone" kind of thing. It's WAR. Either you win it all or you lose it all. You just have to be the better warriors and have better strategies to earn your mith reward.
  19. @kaw admin I'm wondering that aswell I was getting attacked by someone in the clan who was top 4 I was able to attack once then it said dtw but he was able to attack me?
  20. Interesting, the wars the weekend before last were the original matchup algorithm.