Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Jul 18, 2013.

  1. So our bfa was low huh? Ok we will work on that
  2. Shadow in one breath u say u don't want bfe accounted for but in the next u say that bfa should be more accounted for?

    How's that right ? Both account for the players strength they both are static bonuses but bfa unlike bfe can be stripped away u can never lose ur bfe its always part of ur strength in build

    Part of the issue with these new matches are that they made too many changes at once instead of testing one thing seeing the effect then another thing they did three things and now have no idea wat the new issue is

    Matching by true strength would have been fine if they also didn't try to match dtw/dts to try to fix gh issues in ee matches .... All that's needed to fix gh was to make them pay a decent minimum payout no matter how small the player a hit would have payed no less then say 25 mill (example) issue solved

    Matching before with cs and bfa wasn't that far off all that needed to be done was instead of adding them up separately they should have added bfe bfa and cs together then matched that number and number of players end issue

    Devs trying the most complicated "solutions" and ignoring the simple ones

    Devs think "k.i.s.s."

    Keep It Simple Stupid

    Often u get the best results with the simplest fixes tweaks were all that was needed not a complete overhaul
  3. @ KaW admin. U can see my take on page 2. I won't complain if we are outsized b/c it's a fun challenge but the other way isn't fun. If u took bfa into acct it Woukd have been no match war 1. We had prob a 100t bfa adv and that's in top 10 v top 10 players. It kept going all the way down. Then give us 1 extra and it's a lost cause when they are fighting a clan that wars alot. Plus our bfe was superior as well.
  4. Personally I think you place too much emphasis on raw stats and the dtw/dts mechanic. I think a simple calc of raw stats bfa bfe=total strength should be the calc...pretty simple. Don't have to worry how much you 'weight' any one of those. Just add em all up. Not complaining at all...just responding to the request for feedbackthx devs :)
  5. I want my EE back for ur mistake, we were prepared for the type of war u said was supposed to happen, should reimburse pots used too
  6. I want my EE back for ur mistake, we were prepared for the type of war u said was supposed to happen, should reimburse pots used too
  7. If BFE is really a problem, i suggest all warriors to strip their equipment for the war, this will not give any more BFE problem. This will allow actual build vs build and tactic vs tactic, also how active the member is. Those that hv no mithril to buy the mith equipment also can join war as no more equipment is needed in war. It also will attrach more ppl to war.
  8. They would never do that. The only reason they brought in mith equipment was to attract people to wars. It is the reward for warring to counter EB equipment.
  9. me and my mates had a big problem with this dtw mechism. We hit someone and couldn't ko him cos hewas suddenly dtw. But these guys could hit us and sko or ko us. Why was it? please give us a answer. Thx Kaw admin. Btw great war v-hawks
  10. @ST4T1ON
    I said that the devs should take bfe into the matchmaking algorithm but as it is now, it influences the match ups way too much. I think bfe should not affect the match ups that much.