Thunderdrome apology forum

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Nexus_LoL, May 27, 2013.

  1. Don't you guys have something better to do rather than trashing his apology?
  2. Yes we do but I'm both helping and hurting the cause ... I hope I'm helping more than hurting
  3. why ask them to post an apology in the forums if you don't want outsiders commenting/viewing? thanks for the laugh x)
  4. That wasn't directed at you Baltimore, more of the people who are making fun of this thread. It was either apologize or be farmed
  5. How bought this I can pretty much destroy half of that clan with one of my alts alone I could have a me and my alts v all your farmers happen
  6. Please don't do that, me and Morningstar were forced to apologize...
  7. Black he's offering help I believe. Not threatening your clan
  8. Because the idea of us apologizing was one to apologize for our lack of assistance in the war (at least me) and to prevent us from being farmed
  9. Anyone who wants to pick on noobs that tried out war **** off and let them try. You don't farm a new person bc they messed up. You correct it and try again. Obviously you were dumb enough not to check mith before war or explain to then how to buy mith n cast spells
  10. Wow. Charizard.. Get a life.. Farr was getting annoying enough without having a subpar copycat.
  11. Does anyone else find OP's name ironic? :lol:

  12. How is my name ironic?
  13. Whoops wrong post
  14. The OPs name is a reference to either a show/movie or a game. I forgot which
  15.  People need to stop apologizing for stupid ****. But you have to love watching noobs hit noobs.
  16. I remember this war lol