At first I thought this thread was just a troll, but there is a little truth behind those claims. The key for alcohol is, as anything, moderation
Well, as a "recovering" alcoholic, I can say: most of the "meds" namely benzodiazepine. Are far worse than a lil booze. This is my opinion. For reference, I'm 37. Wasted 25 of those years drinking whiskey, right out the bottle. Been working since I was 12. Smoke cigs for like 27 years. Also chew/dip. Quit EVERYTHING. Because my 3 young sons asked me to. I miss my vices, every hour of every day. Yet, I love my children enough to be what they want and need. Think about that y'all...
Enough studies out there for the op to find and quote many that would give a legitimate angle to this thread. Properly presented it could be informative and helpful. As it is, it's random quotes with no support. I see the damage alcohol does very frequently in someone near. That's not appropriate for the age rating though to go into. So the op actually quoting and learning, rather than posting to flame would be far more productive than a thread in its current state. Moderation is key and certain alcohols do less damage than others. But as this is not my thread I shall let op post that widely available data. And ps. Almost anything causes cell mutation in excess. Eat and drink in moderation. You have one life. Look after your body and live a long enjoyable life. Not a boring one though. Have the scars to show you went kicking and screaming into that dark night and lived a memorable life.
He meant "ale graduate ". Its a made up success for this sad King of the Alcoholics, and this thread is an attempt to get people to support his decision to stop drinking. Clearly it hasn't worked so far.
I'm drunk right now reading this;I lack of iron,drinking Guinness helps also making me merry happy new year!
What a coincidence. I just had two bottles of cabernet. Don't think it made me any less intelligent though. Happy New Year