Three Reasons to stop Drinking Alcohol

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by DEVOURlNG, Dec 29, 2015.

  1. If we legalized marijuana where I live I would completely stop drinking.
  2. Everything in moderation including moderation itself.
  3. Yes.
  4. Well, at the end of the day...

    They will do what they want, they will get what they want, they will live the life they want, they will be affected by what they want, but only time will tell if who will have what they want in the end....

  5. Everything in moderation, yet we all play this game 10 hrs a day, 7 days a week 365 days a year

  6. "Makes you an abusive person"

    Sorry what?
    How general was that statement?
  7. Yale is in America that doesn't make you smart.

    I do agree alcohol is poison though that being said I already knew all this.
  8. Yale you say? Well that sounds liable to me!
  9. Nobody cares
  10. Exactly I could have graduated Yale because of Peter Pan just whisking me through
  11. Yes let's all stop drinking and crash the economy 
  12. Totally LUDICROUS
  14. This thread gave me another reason to drink. Cheers 
  15. Alcohol also shrinks the sack
  16. Smoke weed erry day
  17. Eh I'm fine.I'll drinl
  18. You don't know how dumb you are
  19. What about the pros of drinking alcohol?
  20. Like most things there is nothing wrong with alcohol in moderation. If you truly believe that your gunna die from cancer from drinking alcohol then your a fool. Look at the other crap that is put into food. Preservatives in all we consume is a greater threat then a couple of cold beers after a hard days work.