I'm leaning more toward 10 SOS with a 2 SDF to top off the spy side of my build. 2 def towers and rest COE to finish off the attk side of my build. That would give you a very strong base and make you a formatable opponent not to mention being able to kill the EB's. Spy builds are prob the best suited for war, but let's face it do you war 24/7 or even once a week on a consistent basis. So a more balanced build is prob best suited giving u the best of both worlds. Giving u a strong base to make gold on EB's and if used correctly making u a very tough opponent to war against.
Just my two cents on this issue is this. I don't care for your build because the balance of spy and attack makes you vulnerable to farming. That's the primary weakness I see in it, otherwise, your ideas are pretty interesting.
Any build has it's pitfall there is pretty much a counter build for every build although some more vulnerable than others. Picking a build best suited for your game play is the key and if you don't like it after a while you always have the option to destroy and rebuild or reset. Their is No wrong build just need to find the one for your style of play. Obviously if you want to war all the time you need more of a pure build. Let's face it most of you pin yourselves and try to hit from that position and being heavier on one type of attk is helpful. I still will go with a balanced build. Using it correctly you can do some serious damage.
Fml your build is an excellent money earner in haunting as u will make good money from both hits and assassination. However, being a hybrid you are very easy for other bc builds to hit which means you will need to fight from pin in wars. This means you will need a strong attack bfa and need to use the troop bonus Mithril spells when u fight. Otherwise you will have the combat effectiveness of a smaller hansel. Given your greater earning potential in eb, you may reach a combat effective bfa, but until then you will have to maintain pin discipline in war.