Thoughts on Lizard Squad?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -this-is-a-name-to-remember-, Dec 6, 2014.

  1. #LizardSquadOnYaForehead
  2. Lizard Squad: What happens when noobs can't get a kill.
  3. Microsoft has already punished me,
    Nothing can happen anymore.
    DDoSing pretty much became legal when GCHQ (US Government people) hit an Anon IRC channel with one
  4. Nobody said this was for COD, BF, or any other FPS. Perhaps they just wanted to annoy a group of people or were mad that they lost a race and their best car.
  5. i prefer UGNazi
  6. I like it
  7. I know, if you look back, I was the first one to state that it wasn't lizard squad.
  8. I get ddosed for being too good at LoL, does that make me a lizards?
  9. Lol if you got caught doing DDoS attacks Microsoft wouldn't have punished you- you'd be IP banned and reported to authorities as it's domestic terrorism.

    Also there is no hacking with lizard squad to DDoS they have simple downloadable programs that do everything for you. Get enough losers to sit down behind a mouse and you'll see lizard squad results.
  10. Doesn't lizard squad send those packet things to crash servers? I'm not as educated in the whole hacking and tech stuff but isn't that what the no lifes in black ops II league play do, just to win games?