... -you-dont/ If you scroll towards the bottom, you can even read an "actual quote" that is spreading like wild fire, made up by liberals to convince us Bernie didn't say that.
fun fact: the poorest guy in the world is white, he's billions of euros in debt, or at least was when i last checked
Since you have made such bold claims about the "best way to eliminate a possible threat coming into the United States," why don't you enumerate how, exactly, restricting only Muslims reduces the chance of a threat entering the United States? You also said, "Muslim is the majority religion that is causing wide spread terrorist activities." Where is your proof? I argue that the vast majority of terrorists are being created by the United States. The interventionism of our country in the pursuit of cheaper oil has created more hate than in any time in American history.
Cheeaper oil do you realize that the United States is playing on the world stage for oil production now which is why oil prices have dropped I don't have a plan and I don't need one to come up with its not my job
Have any of you legitimately look at Bernie Sanders message? I'm not talking about looking at a few minutes speech on Fox new that Kelly will shoot down. I mean actual candidate researching. His whole deal is about inequality within the classes and ways to fix it. He hasn't slandered entire races, doesn't retweet false statements/data then blame it on others. If you look back at Trump's history, you can see a pattern of ignorant and racist statements on and off the debate stage. Where he can easily blame/shoulder the blame onto interns/media/etc. Sanders isn't doing or saying half of what trump is. As seen, he is fighting for all. Now, months into the campaign season, he uses terrible wording. Have you caught Sanders saying anything else like this? I'd like to see it. Now, am I saying he is perfect? No. He's human. He made a mistake used those words. Hold on. Before you start the usual crucifixion, I have another point to bring up. My main problem with the republican party is that they preach wanting to bring people together and unite the nation. But....It's members are quick to condemn those that don't follow their own train of thought one bit. Even it's own members. In my opinion, everything has it's fault. And if you can't sit back and look at a policy/your candidate and say "this is a fault of his/hers." You need to rethink somethings.
I am dissappointed you don't have an interest in forming your opinion based on anything factual, don.
Well...i think is much better to bash Bernie over a bad wording instead bashing him for being socialist. I find it funny... Bashing someone for trying to help working class and the poor ones instead givig advantages for a small elite. But who knows? Maybe the majority of KaW players are billionaires.
Just by basic demographics there are more poor white people than black people. To generalize entire races is ridiculous. Bernie says his fair share of stupid things, and overall I think he's a self hating racist or he just wants to win the white guilt award. That said, I think he's the best option for president because he won't get any of his ideas past congress, and after four years of basically hitting the pause button we might get some better options.
I have no time for Bernie Sanders. He obviously is running to gather support for Hillary Clinton by using left wing populous messaging. This keeps the activist community engaged and ready to vote. That is all he is. Hillary has the African-American vote. Bernie has the black lives matters and activist community supporting him. Which is beyond me considering Bill Clinton and the Congressional Black Caucus are responsible for millions upon millions of African American incarcerations during the 90's. This is common knowledge in the activist community, so there is no outright support for Hillary. Bernie voters are largely "Northern" Americans who are against globalization and free trade. Bernie Buddies vs. Trump Militia. It's a setup!
Reading this thread makes me sad for the future of America as a great nation. I think the dumbest thing I read was that "liberty and justice for all" means: Free healthcare Free Education Overpaid menial jobs The difference between Bernie and the conservative agenda is that one thinks you can't help yourself and the other wants to teach you how to help yourself. This is a societal problem. These guys running are just symptoms of the vast number of self-absorbed morons running around this country.