For your reference... Ok, so that's not from this thread, but just to show that no, I don't live in a perfect country, there are no countries without corrupt politicians.
So Senator Sanders made a poorly constructed statement during a live debate. What he said was badly worded and has caused outrage amongst some groups. However his intentions seem to have been to address a real issue and demonstrate that he has some understanding of the complex issue of race in America. As opposed to say Donald trumps repeated comments which further inflame hate and show a complete lack of understanding of anyone else's positions or situations.
So colonel sanders makes a racist statement but it's bad word choice What ever trump says is just racist because he's a white guy from ny that doesn't know the struggle
This is the stuff that needs to be deleted off threads, it is not relevant and causes controversy Sanders only said it to try to get the black voters from Hilary. He may as well run as Timothy Leary's brother, lover or whatever. He reminds me of Leary's motto. The good I see in Sanders is that he may fight harder to legalize weed for medicinal testing and use for severe childhood diseases. Sad that an old man can say there are no white ghettos, you would think he has lived long enough to experience all types of human suffering.
Yet if trump said it, it would be a huge deal, hed be called an idiot and racist etc. Bernie says it and "Oh he just chose poor wording"..pfft Libtards
There is a huge difference between poorly chosen words causing misunderstandings , and hate filled rhetoric used to incite racial ethnic and religious tension. Not seen any but trump want to ban religions from entering the country, calling whole ethnic groups criminals or seek to divide people along such lines.
Bernie Sanders is independently wealthy. What he knows of "poor" or even "working class" is what he sees on TV. He's a typical liberal elitist, just like his counterpart, Killary.
He's really not he's worth between $194,026 and $741,030 based on information from his senate records seems it's likely in the $300k range, most of that coming from his political work, he donated the $26,000 he made from his book in 2011 and 2012. He's worked hard his whole life comes from a poor background and has in the past lived in a maple sugar shack with a dirt floor. He's a man who has raised himself up on his own feet and wants to help others. As for not knowing being poor he's had the power cut in the past when he was struggling to make ends meet.
-Septentrio-, Bernie Sanders' net worth is between 1.2 and 1.5 million. You are quoting a liberal blog. He has no idea what a hard days work is. Though his wife (under investigation for fraud) may very soon. His salary as a U.S. Senator is not his total net worth. As far as his work history, he started his life out doing nothing. He was a professional protester during the Vietnam war while real Americans were fighting for their Country. He's been a professional politician since 1981 (not exactly hard work...stealing from real, working Americans). After finishing college in 1964 with a degree in political science, Sanders worked a number of jobs, including filmmaker and freelance writer, psychiatric aide, and teaching low-income children through Head Start. During the Vietnam War, Sanders had applied for conscientious objector status (aka coward). Although his status was eventually rejected, by then he was too old to be drafted. Bernie Sanders...Just another liberal piece of trash.
Septentrio, if he was so poor, how can he make such an ignorant claim that white people don't know how it feels to be poor? I grew up on a ranch. That's like me saying white people don't know what its like to grow up on a ranch. Doesn't make sense, does it? Nvm, I just read back. I see you are also going with the "poorly worded" option.
I never said his comments were perfect, but he was expressing an idea during a debate when answering a question. He could have expressed his ideas using better examples and situations. As for him being a coward because he chose to register as a conscientious objector not sure why that makes him a coward. He made a choice based on his morals that he couldn't fight in a war he objected to. He didn't use political contacts to avoid active service nor did he defer his service then develop mysterious bone spurs that changed his rating .
Trump does not want to ban "religions from entering the country he wants to make sure there are no threats entering the country
He said, and I quote, "total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States..." Muslim describes a follower of the religion of Islam, in case you were confused about whether it was a call to block a "religion" or a "threat," as you say. Unless you consider Muslims a threat, in which case, I'll call you a bigot and a racist.
Just wanted to relate an experience that I had this morning. There was a video of Bernie sanders making this comment on Facebook today with like 10k comments on it or something like that. I kid you not, what seemed like half of them were saying he DIDN'T say that. A video showing EXACTLY what he said, and these idiots with their heads in the sand were going on about how he wouldn't say that.
Muslim is the majority religion that is causing wide spread terrorist activities so in a sense yes that would be the best way to eliminate a possible threat coming in to the United States In my opinion I believe all international travel should be limited especially when it comes to areas of war and known terrorist And we should have a stricter boarder policy to ensure that these people are being denied access to the u.s No I don't think we should have to take in people who are of military age that can be there to help the people of those areas to get back what is rightfully theirs