Thoughts on Bernie Sanders statement?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TNT_Stripping_dat_ASS, Mar 7, 2016.

  1. Clearly not a derogatory comment. Sanders was referring to the privilidge that white people experience, but do not notice.

    All races can grow up poor, but tons of data correlating changes in opportunity with race. Crappy, but it still happens.
  2. What privilege do white people experience ? They grow up dirt poor like anyone. Only difference is the majority of white people will take a low paying hard labor job to make ends meat. While the majority of blacks resort to stealing and dope dealing. And before
    You start screaming racist, yall are the ones that like to go on about facts. Im just stating one.
    No ones "holding the black man down" they can go bust their asses putting 6 applications in a day till someone calls just like i did when layed off.
  3. You ever been to a dmv? Social Security office. Any state fed run building apparently not!! Seems there is lots of opportunities tbh
  4. The republicans have taken over in full force.
  5. Facts are the facts Aj. Go check your local dmv. Funny how government jobs make you check a box when you apply. Black,Hispanic, white etc. Why not go based on most qualified for job? Let's here your spin on it.
  6. Waiting on TNT to address this comment right here.
  7. Facts are the facts if you're checking the correct facts. All you and the others are spewing is the same argument that countless republicans before you have spewed without care for context.

    It was originally done to provide equal job opportunity for all Americans. Back then, employers would still hire based on color even though they legally weren't supposed to.
  8. There are plenty of black government workers, you see them everyday. The damn presidents black for chrits sake..
    Stop reaching man

    The majority of black people that dont work do not want to work. Ever lived in a bad city ? Well i was raised in one you see the same dudes standing on the
    Same streets year after year day after day. Hard to geta job from the street corner
  9. You're doing worse than Bernie here, generalizing all black people by the ones you see, not by the ones you don't.

    It's sad when you know people literally think this way.
  10. Ya lets just assume their all held down by the system. Lets ignore job application statistics and crime statistics and school drop out statistics. None of that matters, its all the man is holding him down
  11. Im voting for trump...but i hope bernie beats hillary because if the republicans screw trump ill vote for bernie
  12. And now you're just assuming/putting words where they don't belong. Typical republican thread ending.

    I was expecting better, but, who am I kidding. Trump is the front runner.
  13. And im generalizing noone. Their are excellent hardworking black citizens just like there are in any race. Im referring to the ones that cry about cant get a job bc im black and have never applied for one. Blacks make up around 85% of violent crime in this country. Google it.
    Thats rapes, murders etc. So im sorry you get no pitty pass from me. Stop pointing fingers at whites and fix your own social problems first
  14. I think what he meant to say is being a suburban white....problem is everything they all say is under a microscope and they have to double think everything they say while they say it knowing trolls like op are sitting there waiting to jump over any slip up. If you vote for hillary you are an idiot she has been caught lying and committing crimes left and right as secretary of state....she really should be in jail right now not out campaigning. No im not some republican slappy either ive never voted republican in my life until maybe this election....but the clear democratic choice is bernie sanders. The best republican is prob kasich but he doesnt have a snowballs chance in you know where.
  15. Zep.

    You cool wit me.
  16. Omg you liberals have absolutely trashed this country spirtually, financially And morally the last 8 years, and you have the nerve to point fingers at republicans? Your front runner is under federal investigation for the same thing general patrayas lost his career over.
    But hey who cares, as long as gay marriage is protected, weed is legal, and the welfare keeps flowing who gives a rats ass if the country is unraveling at the seams? Right?

    Libs are absolute trash and will be the downfall of this country
  17. Being non pc . Hurts people's feelings apparently. It is what it is! Next step is 1 free get out of jail card for murder if your a minority or majority depending on the prison. Consequences are just way to harsh these days. Burp...
  18. I'm not affiliated with either party or any political ideology. So your attempt to belittle me fails.
  19. The fact that youve mentioned republicans 3 times in derogatory ways in 3 pages shows your side. The things your typing may sound intelligent in your head but you look silly with your shhh