I would recommend a king Edward potato. I must be a pinkish beige then, cos I know what it's like to poor.
It's called divide and conquer! Obama and his ilk have been trying to divide everyone along racial lines. Media is complicit too. Sanders is just following the rules of their playbook. It's pretty simple. As that statement was definitely not one of unity.
Sanders lags far behind Clinton with the black demographic, so he's pandering for votes. Pretty simple, although very insensitive.
I am kinda,curious how sanders will better their lives. I'm not so sure free stuff makes it better and that's all he is offering. Guess we can only find out if he wins. We can see how many take advantage of free college and get jobs or just are ok with the rest of the free stuff. Those stats should surely get him elected to a second term. (If he lives that long) . Now let's get out there and make them feel the burn!Sanders 2016
Hmm a communist/socialist says white people dont know the struggles of growing up in the ghetto I work very closely with these so called ghettos the people who use them not all but a good 95% of them that do use them do it to get a free ride because their mind set is solely based on who has 24 inch rims and new 300$ Jordan's and usually sell drugs Now yes some white people do exactly that but then again there is a time to grow up and want better which is why you don't see many white people who live in theses so called ghettos Me personally I've been poor I've been with out and just because my father was in the military doesn't mean we don't know the struggle when we were too "rich " to get welfare
"Free stuff". Aka using taxes already there to instead of pay for more endless wars over seas pay for things that will improve the country's infrastructure and quality of life of the citizenry. Terrible ideas
So free college is a good thing Pretty sure college is a secondary education that only people who work hard and can PAY for it will get a college degree Make college free everyone will be running around with worthless paper that don't mean crap
You idea is flawed. As most won't better themselves when promised a life where they dont have to work. Phones, cable, flat screens. Free rent. Food. Please enlighten me on how the war on poverty is working out?
"People should get educated so they don't work low skill jobs" "But if everyone has a degree a degree will be worthless" Make up your mind
How would Sanders deal with recently out of work Mods? Would he apply racial based reparations or job training based on socioeconomic need? Or would he tell me all to just pack Sanders?
Free college doesn't necessarily means increaded taxes. Can be just a relocation of taxes already paid. For example a cut of military budget by 50%. The $250bil that would be left will still be the highest defense budget in the world. But the $250bil saved can finance college taxes for 11 million students at an average rate of $22.000/year. If everyone is going to college then everyone will have a useless piece of paper? This is true. But "free college" doesn't mean that anyone is free to attend to a college. The admitance requirements will still be in a place. Short version? Free college means that dumb rich kid won't take the place in a college form a smart poor kid.
Your assumption is false in other socialist countries. Are Americans too immature to deal with it? I'm not sure what you are implying. Free post-secondary allows: 1) grads not to be riddled with debt 2) retraining for adults who have lost their carrers, specifically when their industry dissolves. 3) the best programs are the most competitive. The brightests get attracted to the most technical careers, not screened early because of finances.
Bernie is beyond ignorant. I really dont want hillary in there but would vote her over bernie. Atleast she is intelligent. Shes shady as hell but bernie is a drooling moron